Search results

  1. Colin_B

    Where's the news on...

    System Shock 3? The Tell Tale Batman game? Dice working on a new Battlefield? :( I wish I didn't have to rely on another site for a lot of my gaming news but I hadn't heard about any of this from you guys and in my mind that's pretty big gaming news. What you guys do have in terms of...
  2. Colin_B

    Telltale developing a Batman game! Here's hoping they have Kevin Conroy voice Batman and Mark Hamill voice Joker if they go with him as a villian. Also, why is this not front page news GR?!
  3. Colin_B

    Untappd - An app to check in to beer!

    Does anyone use the app Untappd? I've been using it for a little over a year now and I love it. You basically search for different beers and check in to them as you're drinking, leaving ratings and reviews. You can also unlock badges which are essentially achievements, connect with friends, find...
  4. Colin_B

    What languages do you speak?

    Lately I've found out more about a lot of people here in a few days than I have years. At least where they lean concerning certain issues. I kind of want to keep that trend going. I'm curious as to what languages you speak and the degree in which you can speak them. Personally I only know...
  5. Colin_B

    Most anticipated movies of fall & winter.

    Summer is winding down. The leaves are changing, kids are back in school. That means it's time for award bait movies and 2nd half releases! I'm probably more excited for the fall and winter films than I was for the summer lineup. What are some movies you're looking forward to? For me, in no...
  6. Colin_B

    What's your stance on lending people money?

    Money is a difficult subject for some people to talk about. Even worse is the assumptions we make about those who have it, or those who don't or have made poor decisions. Lending money is arguably even more of a challenge to bring up whether you're asking to borrow it or you're asking someone to...
  7. Colin_B

    Will I like MGS V?

    MGS 2 was one of my favourite titles of the PS2 era and 4 was pretty good but not great to me. I haven't played any of the other MGS titles to have an opinion save for Ground Zeroes which I thought was decidedly...average. I felt as though I was forced to sneak lest I become a dead Snake. Maybe...
  8. Colin_B

    Who's your cable/satellite/internet provider?

    Lately I've been hearing a lot of people talk about DirecTV and it got me thinking who the majority of you have. Cord cutting is definitely on the rise but there's still a large group of people using cable or satellite. I have Comcast for my internet, t.v and phone but AT&T for my home...
  9. Colin_B

    That Kim Davis. Am I right guys? ... riage.html A bit of background info for those of you who haven't been paying much attention to this interesting lady: Kim Davis is a government employee who issues marriage licenses and the like. She refused to issue a same sex marriage license to a...
  10. Colin_B

    Evolve free to play on PC, XBOX One this weekend

    I'll give it a try. I was interested in it leading up to it's launch but then when so much of their content was released via DLC soon after launch, I lost a bit of interest.