Search results

  1. JamesGoblin

    Favourite environments in gaming?

    Lots of Dwarven/Greenskin landscapes from Warhammer Online (and some from WAR in general), Empire/Chaos pairing also had many awesome ambients <3
  2. JamesGoblin

    Where do gaming communities go when they die?

    Yep, good guilds and good communities last long, and often move together (well, at least the core does) from game to game and from forum to forum. It often depends a lot on one or couple good organizers, and when something "happens" to them ( say, marriage, kids nd such horrors :) ) it can...
  3. JamesGoblin

    Favourite environments in gaming?

    WoW had some lovely ambients...hard to pick just one...or even just ten!?
  4. JamesGoblin

    The End Thread

    Speaking of the end...
  5. JamesGoblin

    GameTrailers closing today

    I don't remember ever using the main/front page, it was forums only.
  6. JamesGoblin

    What are ya playing?

    I'm kinda split between that and Gigantic: I clearly prefer Gigantic's art and atmosphere but OTOH Blizz will likely do much better polish and overall smoother delivery.
  7. JamesGoblin

    GameTrailers closing today

    Yea, I know the "main" site died - that's where I took my little parallel with nails and hair from :)
  8. JamesGoblin

    What are you listening to right now

    Some quick sillines:
  9. JamesGoblin

    GameTrailers closing today

    Last time I checked, forums were still active. Like watching hair & nails grow on a corpse...scary stuff o,O
  10. JamesGoblin

    What are ya playing?

    The "As soon as..." part might take some time =(
  11. JamesGoblin

    What are you listening to right now

    Hey, thanks! Here's one bit less cryptic (thou French girls are singing):
  12. JamesGoblin

    Fallout 4

    It might become playable after couple more years of (heavy) modding and bug fixing. Maybe. PS I kid, I kid... I like it, and some tasty DLCs are on the way <3
  13. JamesGoblin

    What are you listening to right now

    Some orthodox chants. Agni Partene - ... ni+Partene Valaam Monastery Chants - ... Full+Album
  14. JamesGoblin

    GameTrailers closing today

    Ah, a pity. I noticed struggling with traffic, and that transition to the new site a month before "death" likely didn't help much. I hope the staff will land softly elsewhere!?
  15. JamesGoblin

    What are ya playing?

    As soon as I find time, I plan on checking The Darkest Dungeon, Undertale, Pathologic. Maybe "even" Splatoon!?
  16. JamesGoblin

    If Satan made a game...

    I thought you had Warhammer Online in mind, but...developed by Electronic Arts. PS nice clickbait xD
  17. JamesGoblin

    What age did you first start playing games?

    I was 6 or 7 when uncle brought us that shiny new ZX Spectrum 48... :)