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  1. N

    Cooking for n00bs

    Too bad I can't post pics from mobile. Got loads of stuff. My masterpiece is probably my brie stuffed pork tenderloin marinated in apple sauce, apple cider, and winter jack Daniels, in a bacon weave sprinkled with dried cranberries and sliced almonds, marinated with liquid smoke and applesauce...
  2. N

    Oh Hey

    Sup bruh. Oh, its me...tno.
  3. N


    What about the Jews?? Also tno was awesome, amirite?
  4. N

    Netflix originals

    Lots of Netflix originals have teh tittays in them (like orange is the new black) so that's pretty cool. Marco Polo is cool, but you HAVE to check out F is For Family. Funniest shit out there.
  5. N

    The GRolympics 2016: LEAGUE FINISHED!! WHAT NEXT?!

    Pfft, I'm just gonna win anyway. Y'all might as well bow out not, do you forget you're in the presence of greatness? The one, the only!
  6. N

    Movies you love (that you probably shouldn't)

    Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell. Lady Ninja Kaede 2. Your welcome...and I'm sorry. Truly sorry lol. Oh, can't forget... KUNG FURY Seriously, go watch that. Now. It's only like 20 minutes.
  7. N

    Sweet movie soundtracks

    The whole soundtrack for Suckerpunch was pretty sweet. Also, watch the movie fucked up on mushrooms, highly recommended.
  8. N

    Good Idea, Bad Idea

    Bad idea - introducing yourself to someone new at the playground. Good idea - eating some magic mushrooms and going on a nature walk.
  9. N

    Fuck you, used22. FUCK YOU!!!

    Christ, that's some memory man. I'm looking after her now. Workin. That's pretty much it lol.
  10. N

    Fuck you, used22. FUCK YOU!!!

    THE tno. Yes. Next hint was gonna be the sexiest GM. Probably should have led with that one. Sup bitches?!
  11. N

    Fuck you, used22. FUCK YOU!!!

    Wrong, wrong, and wrong. I can't believe how quickly I've been forgotten, it pains me deeply. Not really. OMFG I remember that! I think it was my sig for the longest time lol. I'll give another hint...I was the first member made GM.
  12. N

    Fuck you, used22. FUCK YOU!!!

    I concur, fuck that douchebag! Also hello too...3 guesses to who I am. Hint: I was the kickassinest GM ever!