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The Root of El Salvador's Problems Much of El Salvador's problems come from a long time ago, mostly beginning in the 1930's. From the 1930's until about the 1960's and 1970's much of the problem in El Salvador was about the land and the economy. From the 1960's and 1970's through 1992 most of the problems consisted of battles between government and opposition groups and basic denial of human rights. It's through this time that religion begins to play a role in the problem of El Salvador. It's during much of the late 1970's and early 1980's that many people of El Salvador lost their lives.
Cyborg Imagination in the Age of Electronic Incunabula In Hamlet on the Holodeck, Janet Murray argues that we live in an age of electronic incubabula. Noting that it took fifty years after the invention of the printing press to establish the conventions of the printed book, she writes, "The garish videogames and tangled Web sites of the current digital environment are part of a similar period of technical evolution, part of a similar struggle for the conventions of coherent communication" (28).
Christians Live for Today, Buddhists Live for Tomorrow Death is perhaps the most difficult aspect of life humans are forced to deal with. In order to help us cope, we have implemented the grieving processa series of events with the purpose of making death easier to deal withinto our lives. Not everyone handles death in the same fashion, and each culture has rituals characteristic to itself that may differ greatly from another culture's rituals. Christianity and Buddhism are two religions that have completely different grieving processes, and in a conversation with Ms.
Artificial Intelligence and Angelology ABSTRACT: Recently, as I have become more computerliterate, I have noticed some interesting parallels between computer mechanisms and Aquinas’ metaphysics of angelic faculties. The present essay expands on some of the analogies which Aquinas himself, though no proponent of AI theory, might have found interesting. One of the philosophy newsgroups on the Internet is entitled " " This group features constant variations on questions such as: how close can artificial intelligence (particularly computers) approximate to human consciousness.
The call for a stronger integration between management accounting and marketing is a relatively new phenomenon. In recent years, some Authors have started to face the topic of the interface of management accounting and marketing with reference both to the management accounting and to the marketing literature (Glaves et al. 2007, Wilson and Gilligan 2005, Roslender and Hart 2003, Roslender and Hart 2002). The implicit acknowledgment of the importance of specialized information provided by management accounting systems (MAS) is strictly linked to these systems’ nature and aims.


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