Game Revolution's top 10 movies of 2011

I have yet to watch it but from what you guys have said and what i have heard about Battle LA I should stay away also from this list is 50/50 amazing because i really want to see it.
The problem with Thor was you were supposed to believe that he would be motivated enough to give up everything over a girl he met two days prior, even if it was Natalie Portman. Though she's Jewish, which makes the whole "giant boar carcass feast" thing a little awkward.
Longo_2_guns said:
The problem with Thor was you were supposed to believe that he would be motivated enough to give up everything over a girl he met two days prior, even if it was Natalie Portman. Though she's Jewish, which makes the whole "giant boar carcass feast" thing a little awkward.
Wait she's jewish?

...and it's a issue? i saw a muslim eat a god damn pork hotdog in chicago!
Longo_2_guns said:
The problem with Thor was you were supposed to believe that he would be motivated enough to give up everything over a girl he met two days prior, even if it was Natalie Portman.

Love at first sight bro, love at first sight. Or did you forget DIsney bought Marvel?

Great list, I had a feeling the list would be full of popcorn flicks, but at least they're good blockbuster pictures (well, except Battle LA). Some other good ones are Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Sherlock Holmes and The Tree of Life.
Hanna, hugo, girl with the dragon tattoo, MI:5

Could replace battle: LA, thor, and captain america.

I know I listed 3 to replace 4.

That's going by entertainment value. GRs list = entertainment. There are a ton of amazing movies not mentioned. But they don't have lots of asplosions and CGI
Sorry, I was just trying to play peacekeeper. I've seen arguments like these blow out of proportion. <3

I didn't mean to come off as hostile.

Anyway... in the spirit of the topic, I have to say my all-time favorite movie is The Watchmen. I've seen it dozens of times, and I'm watching it again tonight.

As for why I liked Battle: LA, I just did. Also, that scene where "another big ship" comes out, I don't remember that. I'll watch it again later to see if I've missed something, but, I don't remember that all... just the ending, where they blow up a command center.
I was hoping I could send in my nominees, but I was too late. If anyone cares, they were

1. Tree of Life
2. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
3. Attack the Block
4. Hannah
5. Drive

Also, Re: Battle LA: WTF?? Easily the worst movie I sat through this year. And I saw Your Highness, sober, mind you. If I had never seen an alien invasion movie or a war movie, maybe it would be interesting, but it took the most predictable and cliched parts from the worst movies of both genres, and rolled them together in some super-cliche. No surprises in it, is what I'm saying. Shame on the lot of you.
Yeah, where's The Descendants, Melancholia, and (as GiftedMonkey mentioned) Tree of Life? I do like that 50/50 and Drive made it on the list though.
Dang, I must've missed the part where I became part of the SAG committee for nominating Golden Globes. Douche nozzles.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Dang, I must've missed the part where I became part of the SAG committee for nominating Golden Globes. Douche nozzles.


Last week I went to the movies with some old friends and long story super short we watched Darkest Hour against my will. And well............. Darkest Hour makes Battle LA look like District 9 (if you didn't like District 9 then replace with another really good alien movie). Battle LA is just pure action and didn't try to be anything else, when I saw it at the theater I enjoyed the action and had fun but when I went home and thought about what I just watched I realize Battle LA is a terrible movie. Same thing happened when I watched Expendables, it was just action and big stars but nothing else. But I agree even though Battle LA was just watchable action it doesn't deserve in a Top 10 list of the year
Delorean88 said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
Dang, I must've missed the part where I became part of the SAG committee for nominating Golden Globes. Douche nozzles.


Last week I went to the movies with some old friends and long story super short we watched Darkest Hour against my will. And well............. Darkest Hour makes Battle LA look like District 9 (if you didn't like District 9 then replace with another really good alien movie). Battle LA is just pure action and didn't try to be anything else, when I saw it at the theater I enjoyed the action and had fun but when I went home and thought about what I just watched I realize Battle LA is a terrible movie. Same thing happened when I watched Expendables, it was just action and big stars but nothing else. But I agree even though Battle LA was just watchable action it doesn't deserve in a Top 10 list of the year

This is my last post about Battle: LA, breathe a sigh of relief.

To me it COULD have been a decent popcorn flick, if it was an hour shorter, that was the main issue. Sure it has no story, sure it had awful acting, sure the aliens looked like something someone made in the 40's, but it DID provide entertainment. But after the third hour of the SAME redundant fighting, it becomes aggravating and unnecessary. That's what pushed this movie from a watchable popcorn flick into a painful mess.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first hour. By the end I wanted to gouge my eyes out. Not because it got worse, but because it kept going...

District 9 is freaking excellent.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Dang, I must've missed the part where I became part of the SAG committee for nominating Golden Globes. Douche nozzles.

Hahaha, okay I had that coming. I sounded like one of those dorks that litter Sorry for the cine-snobbery everyone! :(
If we had waited to do this list until now, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and MI: Ghost Protocol would have been on my list in place of other movies. I think TGWTDT would have been number 1.
I saw the Swedish version, before it was cool.


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