"Going Home" - Donations to a family


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Hey everyone. I'm not sure if it's inappropriate to post such a topic here on the forums so if it's not, moderators, feel free to let me know and lock or remove the thread.

A man named Peter Shew, who I've known for about five years or so now, was diagnosed with Leukaemia six months ago. He fought well and strong the condition but sadly, he passed away just this weekend, leaving behind a wife and daughter.

Peter was a loving husband and father, a man who was known for talking a lot of smack, enjoying his food and beer but ultimately, doing anything for his friends and family. He has been especially helpful to our judo club, as he was the one who organised everything to achieve a brand new training facility for us. He was a good man.

One of Peter's last requests was that his final resting place was to be back home down south in Melbourne, Australia. Such a feat though is going to cost a tremendous amount of money, $20,000 AUD.

Peter's only daughter Kimberly has set up a "MyCause" page, seeking out assistance via donations. If you could, it would be wonderful if you might be able to donate to this cause. You don't have to, but any donation would be very welcome and appreciated.

You can read Kim's story and donate (if you want to) in the link below:


Please share the page throughout your social media. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Sorry to hear Craig. But damn, why the f does it cost that much?!

Will try to donate after work! God speed to everyone involved.
Thanks, MattAY. It's much appreciated.

I have no idea why the costs are so high... my guess is, they're doing a funeral up here, then they want to transport Peter down south interstate to Melbourne for burial. I don't know if they're doing a funeral down there.

From my understanding, funerals are quite expensive and I can imagine transporting a uh, body, might be expensive too.

Thanks again.

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