Happy Thanksgiving


Whadjya'll eat?

Turkmeisterâ„¢ turkey
Homemade mashed potatoes
Homemade sweet potatoes with brown sugar
Fried okra
Cooked carrots
Pumpkin pie
Since we don't celebrate thanksgiving here (because we're dirty Australians :p), I wish you all have a nice holiday with your friends and families.

So far all I've had to eat today is my breakfast.
Went to work today for 3 hours and now at my girlfriends watching her animals while she works for 10 hours. Her family is in Atlanta this year so I am eating hamburger.

Happy Thanksgiving

:edit: mac and cheese and tuna time!
Went to my one of my brother's and his girlfriend's apartment. Pretty packed there causing one of the cats to have anxiety and becoming the devil. After their place I went to my grandma's on my dad's side of the family to spend time with my uncles and cousins. Had a lot of the following at both places and a lot to take home. Listing from what I ate the most

Turkey, baked and deep fried
Mashed potatoes (no gravy if it's real potatoes)
Green beans
Deviled eggs

My oldest brother's wife made this incredible fruit salad creme thing. Basically it was fruit cocktail mixed with whip cream and some sort of pudding. Didn't eat any desert at my grandma's.

Honestly, I enjoyed my day with my families. Glad I had today off unlike last year where I had to go into work specifically to unload our truck delivery.No Black Friday shopping for me, I'm broke.

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