Mega Man 9

I got the two dowlnadable packs released today on WiiWare for it. The first one is the Proto Man pack. It's....OK. I like the charge shot but it doesn't do enough damage and him getting double the damage Mega Man does is annoying. The other is the Endless Mode pack. In it, you play an endless stage Capcom made that spans various locales. You score is counted by how many screens you pass through, which is a neat idea. Also, you are equipped with every weapon. So overall, I like the Endless Mode pack better.
Once Mega Man X came out it confused the hell out me because apparently X didn't mean ten.

Now I find out there was a Mega Man 9??? So then what the hell does X mean?
BlackStar said:
Once Mega Man X came out it confused the hell out me because apparently X didn't mean ten.

Now I find out there was a Mega Man 9??? So then what the hell does X mean?

its been awhile, but storyline wise it takes place even further in the future than the nes games. some scientist is excavating and finds mega man among the ruins. not knowing what he was or his purpose, he simply called him X.

and to this day, mega man x has one of my favorite soundtracks of any video game.
Yeah, well it still makes no sense.
I mean why not call it X: The New Mega Man?

Have 9 Mega Man games and then a game called Mega Man X. But no no this isn't the 10th game in the series, we just wanna screw with you because you're kids and it's fun!

It's almost as bad the fifth version of Street Fighter 2 which was the same fucking game only you could be a Green M Bison.
i don't think it's harder than the originals, it's just that i know the patterns and how to beat all the levels in the originals. there's only 8 levels plus the castle; if you beat it the first time through, it'd be a short game.

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