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Prequels really annoy me, whether it's games or movies. Sure they're good once in a while but that's just it, not too often. You're accustomed to the protagonist in the game/movie and right after that bam! You get the story of what actually happened before said storyline.

Let's say you've finished playing Duke Nukem and you're probably anxious to play DNF (if it's actually real....I suppose it is) and how would you feel if you find out that DNF is actually a prequel about Duke's dad and how he's screws a midget (FUN!) blah blah blah..

What about you guys?
In some cases they work really well. Like Devil May Cry 3 and 1, that was good. Just simple stuff like how Dante got the Force Edge, it makes you go OOOoh.
Although the 4th is making it stupidly complicated, and could be used as a bad prequel example!
MGS3 was good too, although you couldn't really call that a direct prequel since the story didnt really tie in with the rest of the series. But little things like Ocelot's rivalry is good.

Beyond those two, I cant think of any good ones though.
MattAY said:
MGS3 was good too, although you couldn't really call that a direct prequel since the story didnt really tie in with the rest of the series. But little things like Ocelot's rivalry is good.
Didn't tie in? You kidding me? It set the stage for every other game. Plus, it was easily the best game in the series.

One prequel that worked was The Godfather Part II, since it was half sequel half prequel. Plus, it was completely awesome.
star wars ep 1- 3. best evar!!.


good prequals are rare indeed.

i really can't think of any other ones side those already listed
The fan boy in me says Star Wars Episode Three: The Revenge of the Sith was good due to the music, lightsaber battles and most importantly, what the first two sorely lacked, Wookiees.

The Wookiees alone make it absolutely brilliant.
This is going way back, but Castlevania III was a prequel, and I'd say it was the best Castlevania game of the 8-bit era. Hard as hell though!

Couldn't think of any movie prequels that were very good.
Longo_2_guns said:
MattAY said:
MGS3 was good too, although you couldn't really call that a direct prequel since the story didnt really tie in with the rest of the series. But little things like Ocelot's rivalry is good.
Didn't tie in? You kidding me? It set the stage for every other game. Plus, it was easily the best game in the series.

One prequel that worked was The Godfather Part II, since it was half sequel half prequel. Plus, it was completely awesome.

Ha, well I never finished it if I'm honest. I only got up to the bit where you have to punch and drag The Boss. But throughout the whole game there wasnt much that tied in. But I do know the spoiler at the end of who "Snake" actually is, so maybe there's more to it?
How do you define sequel vs prequel in movies that involve time travel? Does Army of Darkness count as a prequel? It takes place 700 years before the other movies, but not from Ash's point of view.

If it counts, then it's the best prequel I can think of.
I think some things are exempted from having sequels or prequels like what UpAndAtThem mentioned. But then again, the prequels have been incorporated so well it fits the original story

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