Next gen cost-to-benefit


I've been thinking about what console to get next. I have a PS2 which I love to death. Resident Evil 4 is my favorite game, but I love Devil May Cry games, I liked God of War a lot, i'm not a big fan of first person shooters, but I do enjoy them sometimes. Basically, I like action-adventure games more slanted to adventure.

But, as I am not wealthy AND I'm getting married next year, cost is a big factor. I don't have, don't really care about, and probably won't be getting an HDTV any time soon.

I was thinking about getting an XBox 360 in a year or so, as I'm interested in Mass Effect, Resident Evil 5, and Lost Planet. But the Wii will support RE4 and Killer7 í¢â‚¬â€
You're forgetting the consideration of a home-entertainment-gaming-military grade technological wonder (as they would have you believe) that is the PS3? Not only will it have COMPLETE backwards compatibility it will have the best graphics, support online play for free, play DVDs and CDs, it does everything and more, and by waiting the price might decline.

If you want to ask for advice, you should consider all your options.

My advice? Stop gaming now unless you win the lottery-you won't have time or the money to support it. Unless someone buys this stuff for me, I have other things I need to spend this money on.
Xbox 360 definitly. It will come out with most of the games for PS3 and graphics are not important as long as they dont suck. Besides if your getting married then why do you need online you know. :lol: Also the Wii because its $200. you should be able to afford both.
I'd say go with the Xbox for now. Wait until the Wii's been out for awhile to see if it can actually make some games that have depth and are alot of fun, and not just a slew of power-pad/power-glove esque shtick games.

The PS3 will look nice, and will have a couple of cool games on it, but nothing worth the pricetag. And since most games will be for all the consoles anyway, you'll be paying less for whats essentially almost the same thing.

edit: and you're girl will probably like the simplier controls that Nintendo seems to be going for...unless she thinks that flinging a controller around like nunchucks looks stupid. You should show her videos of people playing the Wii and see if she thinks it looks like fun or if it looks retarded.
Don't bet without seeing the rest of the cards. Wait a little, let the ps3 and wii prices go down some, and see which console seems to be the better one.

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