Solo: A Star Wars Story Trailer Discussion

For some reason Alden Ehrenreich is giving me some Rainn Wilson or Andy Samburg vibes with his dialog and body language. It's like he's really uncomfortable the whole time.

This looks cool though:

Gotta say Donald Glover certainly looks the part of a young Lando Calrissian. I know he actually met with Billy Dee Williams to pick his brain about the character a bit as well, so I have hopes for him. Not sure about Ehrenreich though.

Hell, it's Star Wars, I already know I'm going to see it, I just hope they don't re-write too much of the old canon history regarding Han, Lando and the Falcon.
Finally watched the teaser. I don't know how to feel about it.

The music didn't sit well with me, to start with. I liked it, but it didn't feel like Star Wars, not until the finale anyway.

I love that Donald Glover is a younger Lando Calrissian. That's so awesome. The guy playing Han Solo though? I don't know... he doesn't really look, or sound the part at all. Star Wars: A New Hope was released in 1977, so Harrison Ford would have been about thirty five years old at the time... so how old is this incarnation of Han Solo supposed to be?

I look forward to seeing Solo: A Star Wars Story, but I honestly don't have high hopes for it... in saying that, I hope I'm wrong.
I love Star Wars and honestly, I want more of it, but I think some of these spin off films are going in the wrong direction. Maybe not so much "wrong" but perhaps... "less desirable"?

I think a film about Han Solo is unnecessary. We already know his backstory. He beat Lando at a gambling game to win the Falcon, he saved Chewbacca's life and he ran the Kessel run in twelve parsecs, so... that's enough for me. Do we really need to know how?

Rogue One was alright. I liked it because it was the first time that Star Wars truly felt like "war", to me anyway. Espionage, assassins, sacrifice... it was pretty well done.

Not to steer the topic in a different direction, but while The Last Jedi had its controversies, I enjoyed that film. It wasn't exactly my favourite film of 2017 as I was predicting (Thor: Ragnarok, FTW) but I did like it. I can see why people were upset at some of the decisions made during the film making process, though.
I hope this Alden guy was a good choice. Some of his line deliveries in the trailer are... rough.
I feel bad for the lead actor. Some viewers will think he did a good job, some will not, and I'm willing to bet the latter will be a lot more than the former. Poor guy has some impossibly big boots to fill. I personally hope he does a good job and that the movie is worth watching.

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