Why vote for me instead of MattAY?

Hi all,

My last GRumble propaganda took a turn for the ugly with the Canadian beast known as WickedLiquid. While I used my words (and a really big sword) to fight off the fowl creature (litterally, he's a big chicken :p), I know that it'll take the high road to undo the British force known as MattAY.

It started way back when in the 1900s when British invaded US! Us fought back though, still, one man managed to infiltrate our most sacred love-making grounds: the GameRevolution forums. That man was Winston Churchill. Everyone thought he was supper cool and said "hey, you should be a moddenator."

Winston was like "nahhh" but then he said OK because people were like "whatever, you're lame." Winston didn't want to be the lame one so he waited until everyone was looking away and then he STOLE the modenator powers from a guy named Used44. That's why Used wasn't a mod for a long time (little known fact. FACT).

Then people took notice and that's when Churchill closed the site. On that fateful day he said:
"A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him."

People were like "fuck that shit" but Wintson didn't even care so he took the comely wench Longo_2_guns as his slave girl. That's when everyone decided, fuck that shit, we don't need game-revolution.com.

Then they opened GameRevolution.com a much better site because who uses dashes in their URLs anymore? MattAY is like the second coming of Winston Churchill. Don't let him take over the site, steal Used's powers, and sexually abuse Longo anymore!

Vote for me for the GRumble.
Haha! I always thought the sexual abuse was consensual. Why would you not vote for the first staff to enter the GRumble...at least since I've been here.
I like the british, they gave us The Beatles. But they also gave us Radiohead, bleh.

So I'll vote for Dan IRL

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