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I did love LittleBigPlanet, Resistance, and I played the first God of War. MGS4 was the reason I bought a PS3 besides the Blu-ray capabilities. Most of the games I wanted to play released on both consoles so I just ended up leaning on the Xbox. Both brands are great. My days of console fanboyism died with the Nintendo-Sega arguments long ago. Long as it’s a good game (and even a bad one as ended up many times), I’ll play it no matter the console.
Despite the fact that I cancelled my Playstation Classic pre-order, one of my friends ended up buying one for me for Christmas, which blew me away.

I've been playing the original Metal Gear Solid. Despite the cheesy writing and somewhat odd story, I'm really enjoying it. The game play and control scheme has certainly not aged well and I find that's the most difficult thing about the game. I'm almost done (about nine or ten hours into the game) as I'm up to the part where Solid Snake takes on Liquid Snake whilst he controls Metal Gear Rex.

I also got the opportunity to play the Resident Evil 2 remake demo (full game is out in two weeks, Friday 25 January). I absolutely loved it. It looks amazing, it flows well, the controls are great and I love how modern it's become. Unfortunately, the demo is a "one shot", and you only get 30 minutes of play time, so once 30 minutes is up, you're done, you can't play the demo again (it locks to your account and you have to be online to play).

I'm thinking about re-downloading it under my partner's profile, and seeing if I can play it one more time.
I eventually want to retackle the Resident Evils. I’d been playing them all up until RE4. I just didn’t care for it much at all and eventually quit playing halfway though. I haven’t picked up a Resident Evil since.

On the subject of survival horror, I picked up a copy of The Evil Within last week. I’d seen somebody play part of the sequel and thought it looked cool. I’ll probably start in on that one tomorrow
I loved Resident Evil 4, that's one of my favourite games. It was essentially responsible for reviving the Resident Evil franchise and I dare say, for redefining the action genre.

The Resident Evil 2 remake is impressive. It uses the 'RE Engine' as seen in Resident Evil 7, so it utilizes photo-realistic graphics, animation and motion capture. It's a gorgeous looking game that has an over-the-shoulder camera, similar to Resident Evil 4, while having somewhat more modern controls, e.g. being able to walk/strafe while aiming and shooting. It's amazing how much work has gone into the RE2 remake and how detailed it is.

I highly recommend trying the demo, even if it's just a one shot of 30 minutes.

As for The Evil Within... I've played both and I preferred the second. The first one is actually quite a tough game (for some reason with the Western/European release of the game, our 'Normal' mode is the Japanese 'Hard' mode), but there were times when I found The Evil Within incredibly frustrating. Ammunition is incredibly limited and while stealth is an option, it's a bad option. I eventually discovered (no spoilers here) that a lot of the time, the best thing to do was to simply run away from enemies and lure them into environmental traps.

The Evil Within 2 is certainly not as 'scary' as the original game, but it's still intense. In my opinion, the game play is greatly improved, particularly with stealth, and it's easier to isolate and combat enemies. This is a challenging game in its own right, but the first one is much harder. It's also interesting that The Evil Within 2 has a somewhat open world nature to it, with plenty to explore and not nearly as limited and linear as the first game.
The last week I played through the first three Uncharted games. I had never played them before as I never had a ps3.

They're a lot of fun. Just the right length. It's fun paying them in rapid succession and seeing the evolving gameplay and animation.

On to Uncharted 4!
Ace Combat 7
I love it.
I love it so much.
I love it so very, very much.
It's crazy we're only 20 days into 2019 and the GOTY already came out.
I’m probably 2/3 through The Evil Within right now. My over all opinion so far has been ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It feels like a blend of Resident Evil and Silent Hill, but not as good as either. I don’t dislike it, but it’s just ok.
I forgot to unsubscribe to Humble Monthly, so I accidentally bought Yakuza 0
Not one to waste money, I've been playing it. My exposure to the Yakuza games up until this point went as follows:
I rented the original Yakuza at age 15
I played it knowing nothing but it was an open world crime game in Japan
After twenty minutes I went "This isn't like Grand Theft Auto at all!"
I returned it

Now, I have matured a lot since then and after playing for a while I gotta say, it's really good. The combat isn't perfect or anything, but it's solid and fun, and the music and characters are pretty good. Everything being in Japanese is honestly kinda nice, since it adds to the feel, and while I'm absolutely not a nostalgia person the 1980s aesthetic is solid and enjoyable.
So I'll probably try to beat it.
I turned my Vita on after a month or so of not using it and amazingly discovered an update for the old PS2 Bard's Tale game (where the voice of the Bard was done by Cary Elwes). Funny game, though not the best gameplay. With the port to PS3 and Vita, they had added trophies, but four of them were broken. After years of this issue, they finally fixed it! So, with four trophies immediately popping after loading a save game, I'm going for the platinum by just doing one last playthrough on Easy difficulty (no automatic popping of lower difficulty trophies in this game).
I've been playing the Resident Evil 2 remake for the PS4 and I absolutely love it. I've finished the game as Leon, followed by Claire and then repeated Claire's story in her '2nd Run'. I've unlocked the '4th Survivor' challenge, so I hope to play as that tomorrow.

As a late Christmas present, I bought my partner Kingdom Hearts III for the PS4. She's a huge Kingdom Hearts fan and despite the game being out for only five or so days, she's already put about 25 hours into the title.

Kingdom Hearts III looks absolutely amazing, with fantastic graphics and a great (but at times, repetitive) soundtrack. Some of the writing seems a bit weird (it's very JRPG) but the voice actors do a good job for the most part. Game play wise, the combat looks quite fun but the exploration is linear.
I played both Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts 2. This was back when they were new and I enjoyed them. It’s been well over a decade and all I’d see was a bunch of weirdly named tie ins and the such and I just lost interest in the whole series so I’ll probably pass on 3.

I’ve mentioned before that a couple months ago there was a sale on the three Bioshocks with all the DLC for $15. This past week I fired up Bioshock Infinite and I forgot how much more I enjoyed it over the other two games (not that those are bad or anything). I generally hate games that are basically a big escort mission, but this one pulls it off great because Elizabeth can handle herself, isn’t a target, and helps me with items and such. I really like how they take the Bioshock formula and translate it to bright, open environs. Also, I’m a sucker for anything dealing with alternative realities and stuff.
I picked up Far Cry: New Dawn for PS4. Ended up trading some old games for it and didn't end up paying any cash for the game.

I'm enjoying it and having fun, but it's probably the most buggy Far Cry game I've ever played (aside from Far Cry 2, which was a mess, in my opinion).

My verdict so far - if you enjoy Far Cry games and you don't care that the formula hasn't changed much... give it a go. If you do care about the formula not really changing, then you can probably give it a miss.
^^^ I tried playing Far Cry 2 years ago and never finished it. I haven’t tried another since.

I was looking for a new game to play today when I noticed that Xbox’s Game Pass is on sale at $2 for 2 months. Figured that was a good deal and signed up. So now I’m playing Crackdown 3. I enjoyed the first one many years ago but can’t remember if I played the second one or not. So far I’m enjoying 3. It’s fun like the first one and I like jumping around everywhere hunting down collectible orbs.
I think the new Far Cry games are alright, but they're honestly all the same, just with a different story and location. The general formula is always there. It's not necessarily a bad thing if you're into that, but if you're not, maybe look elsewhere.

Still, I am enjoying Far Cry: New Dawn and I'll probably play a bit more later today.

Anthem comes out tomorrow, but I'm not entirely sure if I want it?
I've read mixed stuff about Anthem. I’m not really into online only multiplayer games so it wouldn’t be for me in any case.
Damn, according to GameRevolution's review of Anthem (by Mack Ashworth), they gave it a 2.5 out of 5.

+ Iron Man simulator
+ Visually stunning
+ Free DLC
/ Cosmetic microtransactions
- Lack of variety in literally every aspect
- Uninspired story
- Technical hiccups remain

I don't know what to think of the game. When I saw the first reveal trailer at E3 (last year or the year before, I forget) it blew me away, but then I started hearing things like it was a Destiny clone, etc. Plus, well, EA Games sucks, especially since the tragedy that is known as Mass Effect: Andromeda.

According to the Wikipedia article of Anthem, the general consensus is "Anthem received 'mixed or average reviews', according to review aggregator Metacritic."
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I'm still playing Far Cry: New Dawn. I'm spending time upgrading my base (one of the new features, I suppose) as well as unlocking 'elite' weaponry. I've barely touched the story, but if it's anything like Blood Dragon or Primal, I suspect there isn't that much of a story and to get the most out of the game, you need to do the side quests, unlockables etc.

I'm enjoying it, but that reminds me, I played the demo of Devil May Cry 5. After recently trying to play Devil May Cry 4 (and thinking it was an absolute bore, despite my 21 year old self telling me it was such a great game), I actually really enjoyed the demo of DMC5, and I look forward to the full version.

My partner is still playing Kingdom Hearts III. She's poured 70 hours into the game since its release and the adventure is still not over. She is taking her time with the game, doing a lot of exploring, unlocking of bonus stuff etc. so I'm not actually quite sure how long the game is... but damn, is it cut scene heavy.
I still haven't actually played any games on the gaming laptop my brother bought me, so I bought Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition for PC on a whim today. It was on sale for $36 AUD, reduced from $89.95 from EB Games, so I thought bugger it.

I'm keen to mod the shit out of it.

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