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  1. succubus1997

    If Satan made a game...

    ... I think he made Snake Rattle'N' Roll on the NES. Seriously, has anyone else played this game? It's fucking brutal. I've been playing games for 20 years and this game has to be one of the most difficult games I've ever played. I think what makes the game so hard is how unforgiving it is. I...
  2. succubus1997

    game music covers are sweet

    If you want some awesome 8-bit game covers, listen to The Minibosses, they kick ass. Also, O.C. Remix does outstanding song covers, check them out, I met them at Otakon 2007. My favorite 8-bit game OST's would have to be Secret of Mana, Mega Man 3, Castlevania, ah hell, i dont know there's so...
  3. succubus1997

    Nickarcade sucks ass

    I've never heard of video power, but that soudns awesome. i remember when nickelodeon would pick kids and let them pull super market sweeps through a toy store. that used to be my awesome possum dream when i was growing up.
  4. succubus1997

    Nickarcade sucks ass

    If it really bothers people, i'll make an effort for paragraphs. but yeah, nickarcade was a show where kids came on and played games. but the host was ignorant, the 'challenges' laughable, and they modded the games. POOP. cool concept, poor execution.
  5. succubus1997

    Nickarcade sucks ass

    I remember watching the show when I was about 3 or 4. Wow, video games on TV! It was awesome to the max. So I just decided to watch some old episodes on Youtube. No. First of all, the host is a jackass. It's kind of funny at first, until you realize that he makes fun of EVERY SINGLE KID ON THAT...
  6. succubus1997

    Easiest Boss

    Andross was easier than that damned Golem in Starfox 64, when youre chasing him down the corridor. That was annoying. But a really easy boss for me was Cerebus from Castlevania: Dracula X. Just use your Special Attack with the Cross twice and he's dead. You don't even have to move, just hit the...
  7. succubus1997


    used 44 is right, the new zealand story is the answer to mine. kick ass...... oh, and rocket was HAAAAARD, i remember that game. either that or i just probably suck.
  8. succubus1997


    i have a question for the topic! alright here goes: Which game from the 80's puts you in the role of a small Kiwi bird armed with a bow on a mission to save his friends from a leopard seal? this might be a little easy, im not sure. but i dont know the answer to the one before me, so i...
  9. succubus1997

    Jade Cocoon-Whos got it?!

    I have the second on PS2 and i got it for$7 used in a bargain bin. all i can say is 'eh'. i was a little let down, but maybe the 1st is better, id have to check it out.
  10. succubus1997

    Old school Revival for a Truly Hidden Gem

    I joined this site primarily to post this idea to the masses (and I'll probably keep posting if people dig this.) My idea is as follows: In 1991, a company called Asmik released a game called WURM: Journey to the Center of the Earth on the NES. I used to own it when I was younger, but I have...