Search results

  1. Delorean88

    What to do for next-gen

    We all know it's happening, may not know when but it's happening very soon that the next gen is coming. I think I've been the only one not up for a new gen only cause I don't want to fork over the money for a new console that has bugs or wait for the bugs to leave but then miss on launch titles...
  2. Delorean88

    Character Battles

    We've had a million of these, let's have one more. Hypothetical character battles, could be any character from movies, TV shows, comics, video games books. Person suggests a battle of two, next person picks and suggests another battle. You can explain you pick or simply state the name and...
  3. Delorean88

    What do you do?

    This Sunday I was going back home from campus for another doctor's appointment on Monday and I called one of my best friends from high school to let him know I was in town and we should hang out. Long story short he told me he just got out of the hospital because he recently attempted suicide...
  4. Delorean88

    Memorable Boss Fights

    This topic has probably been done millions of times..... How about one more time? Which boss fights do you remember the most? Whether because they were big mofos, super hard to beat or maybe memorable because of how much of a letdown it was. Sure boss battles aren't what they used to be but then...
  5. Delorean88

    E3 2012

    I can't wait, Star Wars 1313, Halo 4, Last of Us, Dishonored, the new Gears game, Dead Space 3, Medal of Honor, Playstation All Stars, Counter-Strike GO, Resident Evil 6 and the new God of War..... Damn it's gonna be a good year. Anything particular anyone's hoping for or excited about? Star...
  6. Delorean88

    Be the voice of reason

    Today I log into XBLA seeing if there is any new demos or deals and I see that in honor of GR:FS Microsoft is throwing a sale on Tom Clancy items. One of the sales is Splinter Cell Chaos Theory for 800 points ($10). I loved Chaos Theory and in my opinion it was the best splinter cell, buying it...
  7. Delorean88

    Best Co-op games

    Recently a buddy of mine and I were playing L4D2 on his xbox and I forgotten how much fun that game was when playing with friends. Then that made think about the games I've played in life that were some of the most fun co-op experiences and I was wondering for you guys what were some of the...
  8. Delorean88


    It's been a while since posting here on GR, I have an excuse though..... I think, been busy with school, new job, hosting a radio show and recently awarded as a ambassador at my university. But unfortunately things like that and a social life are taking me away for things I love like gaming...
  9. Delorean88

    I need an outside voice

    In May two games released that I'm very interested in: Max Payne 3 and Ghost Recon Future Soldier. I've been a fan of both series since their beginnings and both look very good to me. I love me some Max bullet time but at the same time I miss the s*** out of a Ghost Recon game. I can't decide...
  10. Delorean88

    Gues What??????????????????

    So somebody had some funun tonight and I haven't posted ina while cause I have been busy in the past weekzs. I had a test, shit load of homeowrk and a stupid paper to write about bulack music and hows its used in stage and film productiosn so I decided to celebrate being free for the weekend. I...
  11. Delorean88

    Worst Movies of the Year

    Why not? There's always GOTY or movie of the year talk but why not sit down and discuss painfully awful works in the film industry of this year. So what was a movie this year that you saw that left a shitty taste in your mouth, one that as it began you slowly regretted your decisions. Whether...
  12. Delorean88

    Most difficult games you've played

    My roommate and I were talking about this yesterday, after talking about a mixture of dark souls and metriod prime we were discussing what games we would always remember to be one of the most difficult experiences. I asked what would go down as one of the games that he remembered to be one of...
  13. Delorean88

    The Best Trailers

    GT recently did a thing were they evaluated the top 100 trailers of video games of all time. It was interesting to watch and see what they chose and be reminded of various trailers that were awesome. If you're curious what got #1 it was the Bioshock X06 trailer. Anyways even though there are...
  14. Delorean88

    Movies based on games

    I didn't know if this would be more suited in misc or general gaming but since it's about video games I put it here. Besides if I'm wrong I know I'll be immediately told Anyways a buddy of mine and I were actually talking about this today, we both understand that when it comes to video game...
  15. Delorean88

    What TV shows are you watching?

    I figured since there is a "what movie are you watching" thread why not one about TV. For me just started season 2 of The League which is a hilarious show, as well as Party Down, It's Always Sunny and the Chappelle Show have been shows I've been watching lately. About to start Walking Dead...
  16. Delorean88


    I'm accidentally surrounding myself with idiots...... Occasion #1: Long story short after watching RIse of the Planet of the Apes with my buddy Jordan I had to argue intensively with him because he said and I quote "If the Twilight Vampires got in a fight with Blade, Blade would lose"...
  17. Delorean88

    Thank you valve......

    Valve apparently announced a new Counter-Strike game that will be available through PC and Mac (Steam obviously) and surprisingly playstation network and XLA. I say surprisingly because even though Valve has shown some console love with orange box and portal 2 Counter-Strike always ditched the...
  18. Delorean88

    Is continuity a good thing?

    I was talking about this with a buddy of mine recently and wanted to know your opinions, basically what the title is is the continuity of game series better than a finale for the franchise or is it better for it to end before it goes bad? This convo spawned because my buddy and I were arguing...
  19. Delorean88

    If I would of known

    So a couple of days ago a couple of buddies of mine and I went to eat at some chinese place and afterwards we went to a nearby game store called play & trade because we kept talking about fun things to do in GTAIV and ending up wanting to buy it. Well as soon as we walk in they had stacks of...
  20. Delorean88

    Selfless I guess

    EA in order to promote their new digital download thing BF3 will not be available through steam. Oh EA what won't you do to make a quick buck, but I don't care about this since I'm getting it on console but I was wondering if I was the only one who finds the lengths EA goes to in order to make money