

I'm accidentally surrounding myself with idiots......

Occasion #1: Long story short after watching RIse of the Planet of the Apes with my buddy Jordan I had to argue intensively with him because he said and I quote "If the Twilight Vampires got in a fight with Blade, Blade would lose"..... Now I'm not crazy about Blade but honestly Blade would destroy those vampires, Jordan said it's because they have "superpowers" but either way I'm disappointed that he would approve of Twilight. He tried to include the werewolves in the fight which I said if then you gotta have the tag team of Blade, Van Helsing and Buffy and Jordan said they would still lose to the Twilight characters.

Occasion #2: After a big event on campus my big brother wanted to eat dinner with me and he invited his friend who brought his little brother. When having a convo about movies the little brother had the audacity to say "X-Men First Class is better X-Men 2". I accused him of blasphemy and (this guy claims his a movie buff and knows about superheroes) tried to tell him how wrong he was but he tried to convince me the X2 isn't as good as First Class... If it matters the brother is 18 or 19

............. Am I crazy and just a grumpy old man in a young person's body (like benjamin button)? Or am I sane and have a excuse to think that these two occasions are ridiculous and that these statements are obviously false?
I'm an idiot, so I cant tell ya! I've only seen Blade and I know he's a badass motherfucker. So .....
About the Blade vs. Twilight thing.


About the X2 vs. X-men First Class thing... I've yet to see the latter movie so I cannot comment. :p
^I remember posting that picture. Anyhow, Delorean, it could be much worse, trust me. Here, I'll share a couple of stories of me being surrounded by idiots where I work at.

Idiot Story #1: This girl was told to lock the doors, she came up to me and said, "how do you lock the doors? She had the correct key, but didn't know how to put it inside the keyhole and turn it.

Idiot Story #2: Our freezer door was blocked by a cart of cardboard boxes. This dude comes by and says, "How do I get inside the freezer?" I replied, "You pull the door and it will open." He then said, "I know, but it's blocked." I then pulled the cart aside.

Idiot Story#3: This was a while ago, but I was training this person on how to make sandwiches. This girl ask me, "What's the difference between a hamburger and a cheeseburger?" I gave her a facepalm and decided not to answer her.

Also, this has nothing to do with with idiots (ok, maybe a little), but deaf people coming through the drive-thru are annoying.
kingg5 said:
Rambo VS the Terminator.

strong post relevance.

we were issued these shovels that had a cover on them, a really short and shitty portable version. anyways i was trying to pull the cover off but tugging on the small end when it just slides off the big end (its really obvious if you see it in person) i had a mind fuck and couldnt seem to get it off. A corporal was there and watched me struggle for a bit and laughed his arse, he eventually showed me how to take it off by sliding it the other way around further making me look like a tool. my roomates lol'd pretty hard that day.
Your second story, it's all a matter of opinion. He can't really be an idiot for thinking that. If he said Ghost Rider was better than X2, well then yeah, he would be. But First Class was pretty great.

Opinion 1? Blade would win but those crossover convos are about as useful as who would win "Bruce Lee or Anderson Silva". Well, Bruce Lee is dead. Anderson Silva is basically a Jedi Knight. Do the math.
Idiot story: I was hanging out with my brother a couple weeks ago at the farmer's market and my phone rang. I looked down and it was his wife, so I answered and she said, "hey, I think you brother's phone is dead. Could you pass me over to him?"

So I hand him my cell phone and say "it's your wife."

He took it, looked at it and then said, "this ain't my wife! It's a cell phone!"


Heh, Lonely Island.

But let's be honest here. X-Men: First Class was awesome. It wasn't as deep as the first two. But it was a damn good movie. As if that weren't enough, it had Kevin Bacon.

that chick is awfully hot, and in tight pants with a cleavage going...

....but my eyes still go immediately to Kevin Bacon.
Dude, I have the exact same thing going on. Discussing movies with your good friends will really jade your view of how smart they are.

Too many "wow, he's a dumbass" stories to post here.
UrbanMasque said:
Dude, I have the exact same thing going on. Discussing movies with your good friends will really jade your view of how smart they are.

Too many "wow, he's a dumbass" stories to post here.

Absolutely. I've got a good friend, he is a real asshole, likes to go on about his own intelligence and handiness, etc. Over the years, the lesson I've learned is that sharing things like movie or music with him is generally a bad idea.

He has argued with me that obvious sub-plots don't exist in some movies. He dismissed Section 9 entirely because he didn't like that one of the aliens was wearing a life-preserver or some such nonsense. Movies that he likes, I generally find to suck.

Then again, this is the guy who tells me that a hobby like videogames is a waste, then spends his entire weekend working on his RC Cars. 2 cheers for good friends!

As far as this...
that chick is awfully hot, and in tight pants with a cleavage going...

....but my eyes still go immediately to Kevin Bacon.

I failed to notice anything in the picture but her. Mind control don't fail me now!
Longo_2_guns said:
But X-Men First Class IS better than X-Men 2

and honestly, I just think the Twilight movies are shit because of the terrible production values. Eh.
and you can obviously tell they are rigged up.
UghRochester said:
Idiot Story#3: This was a while ago, but I was training this person on how to make sandwiches. This girl ask me, "What's the difference between a hamburger and a cheeseburger?" I gave her a facepalm and decided not to answer her.

You facepalmed yourself? Or you put YOUR palm in HER face?

Cause the latter would be much, much cooler.

TheJx4 said:
and honestly, I just think the Twilight movies are s*** because of the terrible production values. Eh.
and you can obviously tell they are rigged up.

Twilight is shit because it is based off a weak story, and obviously marketed towards a certain crowd that doesn't really know what they are watching.

Blade would pwn, no ifs, ands, or buts. Just lots of vampire guts.
Edward Cullen is pretty bad ass. Don't believe me? Watch the fight scenes in Eclipse. That fight was intense, for realsies.
StickyGreenGamer said:
Twilight is s*** because it is based off a weak story, and obviously marketed towards a certain crowd that doesn't really know what they are watching.

Reminds me of the gaming industry.
Rakon said:
Edward Cullen is pretty bad ass. Don't believe me? Watch the fight scenes in Eclipse. That fight was intense, for realsies.
..... :?

I'm a fan of Ms Anne Rice, so when I saw a twilight trailer I decided to give the book a shot.

Got finished with chapter 2 and couldn't stomach anymore. From that point n I knew the movie wasn't worth my time. Then finding out later that shes changed most of the rules in the vampire genre - it made me RAGE!

Come up with something original, but still keep the basic tenets of the culture. WHO THE FVK DO U THINK YOU ARE?! Which is also a reason True Blood blows.

We need more Blades, lost boys, 30 days of night, and From dusk till dawns. People need to be reminded that they should fear vampires - not have sex with them. Even Underworld was cool with the covens and the politics.

If you like twilight, and youre not a 12yr old girl - you need your head examined.

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