Green Lantern

Will Ryan Reynolds make a good Hal Jordan?

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Warner Brothers has been on the search to find someone to play the Green Lantern in their upcoming film adaptation of the series. It's set for a December 2010 premier which means they were looking pretty hard in order to film, edit, and hopefully make a respectable attempt at the movie.

They announced the actor to play Hal Jordan on Friday. The actor? Ryan Reynolds. You may remember him from his most recent role as Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, where he didn't exactly butcher the character, but the writers sure as hell did.

All I can say is I'm a little bit disappointed since there was a fan-made trailer that decided Nathan Fillion would make a good Hal Jordan. Unfortunately, that is not the case in reality... sad face.

So, what do you think? Will Ryan Reynolds make a good character, or should we just boycott this movie all together before we can get our feelings hurt?
OMG FINALLY a frekin GL movie (only the greatest comic character ever). I dunno the guy seems to young actually, but i guess if their depicting an early Hal Jordan, it sorta fits. The face just doesnt... seem to work though.

Hal Jordan is supposed to be a pretty boy, but Reynolds imo is TOO pretty. In a clearly non gay way.

But either way ill still see it cause its a GL movie.
I have a soft spot for Ryan Reynolds. You might even go as far as to say Ryan Reynolds gives me a chubby. But I digress. The reality is, while Nathan Fillion is one charming motherfucker, he doesn't have much selling potential, unfortunately.
I like Ryan Reynolds, so yeah I'm cool with this, but what does this mean for the supposed Deadpool movie? Wasn't he to star?
What's a Marvel doing mixing with a DC?

so this sounds like a big no-go on the Deadpool movie. Thank you, Wolverine: Origins. He may end up being a great Green Lantern, but he woulda been a better Deadpool.
Chris_Crime said:
I like Ryan Reynolds, so yeah I'm cool with this, but what does this mean for the supposed Deadpool movie? Wasn't he to star?
What's a Marvel doing mixing with a DC?

so this sounds like a big no-go on the Deadpool movie. Thank you, Wolverine: Origins. He may end up being a great Green Lantern, but he woulda been a better Deadpool.

Well not really. Apparently Fox still wants to make it. Those money grubbing bastards.
I actually hate Ryan Reynolds and seeing everyone here say they like him makes me sad., lol

His roles in Waiting, Blade and Wolverine just pissed me off. It doesn't help that a have an acquaintance that reminds me of him and pisses me off equally with this ego.
I really liked Ryan Reynolds in Waiting, and I loved him as Van Wilder, and moreover in guy/comic book movies he seems to do alright. But other than those kinds of movies he's not really my cup of tea. I think he can be really funny when he wants to be, and he occasionally shows potential. He really did try his best at playing Deadpool even if the boys at Fox fucked the actual character up. It's also kind of evident that he's somewhat of a comic book fan (if you'll notice he was gunning to play The Flash but got the Green Lantern instead). That, to me, shows he'll try his bestest at making this one a good flick.

As to him making a Deadpool movie, I'll see it, but odds are Fox will do something to fudge that story bigtime.
In the good old days when he was in Two Guys and a Girl, he was funny. Just Friends was ace.
And as a serious actor in Smokin' Aces he was great.
AND being married to Scarlett, he has the envy of many men.
Fox or Warner Bros. (and possibly both) won't sign off on him in a leading role of both Green Lantern and Deadpool, that's what I was trying to say. One of those companies (WB) has a "no compete" clause...I'd be floored to hear he was the lead in the Deadpool movie seeing as how it'll fux with the DC Green Lantern branding. It's a comic book thing.

He had a small role in Adventureland that i liked.
I like Ryan Reynolds as an actor.

Unfortunately I don't like him as Hal Jordan. As Brettimus said, I could see him as a Kyle Raynor. But not Hal Jordan.

Hal Jordan is the man without fear in the DC universe. Sure he can crack a joke here or there, but for the most part he is a straight man. He's an intergalactic cop that has seen things that would have driven a lesser man insane. The fact that he can put up with all this really adds to the character and differentiates him from the other Green Lanterns (John is no-nonsense military; Guy is punk who doesn't know when to back down; Kyle is a creative genius living his dream).

The reason Nathan Fillon is so great in that fan made trailer is because Nathan can be the guy who makes a funny comment in the face of imminent horror. I hope Ryan can pull it off, but he is a bit too comical.
Still it's far better than my friend's wish that Anthony Michael Hall (The Dead Zone & Weird Science) play Hal Jordan.
Trippysmurf said:
Hal Jordan is the man without fear in the DC universe. Sure he can crack a joke here or there, but for the most part he is a straight man. He's an intergalactic cop that has seen things that would have driven a lesser man insane. The fact that he can put up with all this really adds to the character and differentiates him from the other Green Lanterns (John is no-nonsense military; Guy is punk who doesn't know when to back down; Kyle is a creative genius living his dream)..

Fucking comic geeks :p

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