10 years ago today...


...I bought my PS2 8)
I didn't have any games for it yet, but it was also my first DVD player and I bought X-Men The Matrix and Fight Club on DVD.

So while many remember this day as 9/11, it also marks the 10th anniversary of my PS2. Which, might I remind you, still works just as good as it used to!

Thank you for your time.
WickedLiquid said:
still works just as good as it used to!
Either you didn't use it as much as me and my siblings, or your place wasn't as dusty as ours.

I'm not sure how old our current one is, actually, but it works fine, except for some games.

Also, I have no idea where I was on September 11th.
I played the fuck out of my PS2. My first game was FFX and I'm pretty sure I played the first 20 hours non stop, only taking a break for food and the bathroom.

Oh I know exactly where I was on September 11th! At Wal-Mart with my grandparents who were happy to spoil me with a PS2.

But that was in the evening. During the day instead of class we all watched CNN on TV. None of us knew what the WTC was because we were all Canadian, and 15. But the teachers were all engrossed so we just sat and watched.
Oh thank god the memorials haven't hit here yet. I remember my PS2 was my first DVD player to. Before that I has this thing called a V C R.
Longo_2_guns said:
I was planning a trip to Italy on September 13, 2001.

That didn't happen.
You were planning a trip when you were like 9? And yeah, my PS2 still works too. What a machine!
I was 10, and Wicked is right.

And I got a PS2 for my tenth birthday, right before seeing a Jimmy Buffett concert.
I believe i got mine in like mid april of 2000 and it still works beautifully, first games i got were Final Fantasy 7 & 8 then closely followed by Metal Gear Solid. Feels weird saying this as i was 8 years old.
This topic is officially a sony topic. I'm celebrating in memory right now with booze. Had to poor out alot of liquor
My PS2 died a while ago. I brought it a couple years ago and took real good care of it...

... I hate you, Wicked, with all my hate.
I think we can all agree CyberJim's PS2 was an inside job. He dismantled his own PS2 for the sole purpose of getting his XBOX live friends to back him in a war against Sony.
I only use my PS2 for DVD's in my room. Tested it with Spongebob Squarepants Movie and The Cat Returns from the Ghibli collection last night.

No performance complaints.
I own 2 PS2s, cause I'm a REAL gamer.

It's actually because I thought one was broke, so I picked up another off Craigslist for $30 (with Bully), which now sits in my room as a DVD/Okami player

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