2012 Comic Book Showdown winner- Daniel's pick: Spider-Man!

WickedLiquid said:
If Black Adam wins then it's offical.. GR is just a bunch of hipsters who vote for underdogs before they become cool.
I wouldn't really call Black Adam an underdog. He's been pretty big in the DC universe in the last five or so years. Hell, he was the sole cause of World War III, which could basically be called Everyone vs Black Adam. And he almost won.

And he got a lot of good matches. So that plays a part as well.
Black Adam.

Sorry wicked, but there is no real reason why spider-man should've made it this far.


Well, basically all of Shazam! is underrated, but has been making a huge comeback in the last 15 years or so.
Capt. Marvel's storyline in Kingdom Come will always keep me voting. Having a legit nemesis like Black Adam, a predecessor who has twisted your same powers, makes it even better.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Capt. Marvel's storyline in Kingdom Come will always keep me voting.
Agreed. Also, the two recent "reboots" of Captain Marvel, the First Thunder comics and Return of Black Adam video, are amazing. Especially when coupling Marvel with Superman in a sort of student/mentor relationship.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Black Adam and Capt Marvel are two of the most underappreciated comic book characters. That's why.
I strongly agree with you, and recently spidey have been on a bad roll (at least for me). But this is a fight about each other's legacy here! Spidey has made incredible contribution.... in the past... But he deserves all the respect the fans are giving him.

And if you guys haven't read kingdom come, you are missing on something here...
Kingdom Come was awesome. Plus I'm fascinated with Alex Ross's art style. I'm sure you've noticed how many of his art pieces I've used throughout the showdown.

I'll leave this open a few more hours (or until tomorrow morning) and see if we can get any more votes in. Both characters are about neck and neck right now.
And with a final score of 7-6, our 2012 Comic Book Showdown winner is...


In the early stages of voting it seemed Black Adam would be our winner when he was a good 3 or 4 votes ahead. But then Spidey caught up fast.

So the winners of the 2012 Comic Book showdown: Spider-Man and The X-Men!

Thank you everyone for your participation and involvement over the past month.

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