A Silent Hill game that isn't terrible?


Ever since Silent Hill 3 the games have gotten worse and worse. First there was Silent Hill 4 which wasn't even supposed to be a silent hill game but they just slapped it on the title in front of it's original title The Room. Then there was Origins and Shattered Memories which I'll admit were actually pretty good.

But then we got Silent Hill Homecoming and Downpour. Homecoming was when the Americans took over and thought "derp, why no combos???" And Downpour which featured music from Korn and... No I can't remember anything else about that one.

But Silent Hill fans can rejoice, for Silent Hill is back in the hands of the Japanese. Hideo Kojima from MGS fame has taken the reigns along with Guillermo Del Toro and staring Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead.

That's a lot of promise to live up to. Has Silent Hill been able to reinvent itself? Check out the teaser.

The teaser is gorgeous. I've watched a few playthroughs of it now, just because.

I wonder if the game will be in first-person perspective.
"Silent Hills"....more than one? Interesting to see what happens there.

Well it looks fantastic. And it is a fucking 60 yard magnum back into the Silent Hill fanbase's good graces.
Yeah I don't know why it says Hills, maybe there's a multiverse where Norman Reedus has to bring back Cheryl and wipe away the debt?

Did you notice the drop of blood by the way? Wonder if it was an homage to the first when you start off with Harry following blood trails!
There's a bug in the game that's quite hilarious. However, can't provide a link, because I'm mobile.
I've seen that glitch, it's just the ghost lady towards the end that screams and runs away (and scared the piss out of my already pissed pants), she glitches and just flashes whilst slowly floating down the stairs (...can you float down?) It's not that funny.
Yeah, there were definitely moments in the demo that I really wished I live streamed. One part in particular was look at the dresser in the corner and turning around to be all of a suddenly attacked by something. That part made me jump the most. Then the radio saying "Look behind you" made me afraid as well.

Here's the link to few videos of that glitch. I didn't experience it, but it made me chuckle
http://kotaku.com/the-silent-hills-teas ... 1623351736
shattered memories for me was a good one. It had a lot more atmosphere and despite the on-rails aspect of the game, I felt a lot of tension in those moments that were lacking in most other silent hill games.

I don't know, I think it deserves a mention if you ask me.
Not too crazy about it being in first person, that's not Silent Hill. The demo very definitely terrifying though.

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