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I despise memes. Almost all of them are done into the fucking ground by people who don't fucking understand how comedy works and instead try to cling to that bullshit "internet culture" crap.
Longo_2_guns said:
I despise memes. Almost all of them are done into the f****** ground by people who don't f****** understand how comedy works and instead try to cling to that bullshit "internet culture" crap.

U mad bro¿
I think part of the problem is the same thing that is going on with the movie industry. The development costs of games are so high nowadays that publishers don't want to risk their money on niche titles. They only want safe investments of their cash which is why you see CoD every year because people buy the shit out of that game. Once in a while you get a rare gem like Demon's Souls & Dark Souls but those are few and far between because in this day in age a game like that is risky to make. I think it is a safe bet if the first game had tanked that you would not have seen the follow up to it. So that leads to a bunch of redundant games that come out that wind up being predictable and just more of the same.

As for myself, I never get bored of games. I like a wide variety of games and if I get tired of one type I just play another type. Also I try not to over think things too much. A game like Skyrim has tons of things that you can sit and pick apart all day, but at the end of that day the game is still fun for me to play. It's just one of those shut your brain off and enjoy kind of things. Roger Ebert once said something about film like if you broke it down to its most basic elements that there are only like 5 basic plots that have been used in every movie ever made (paraphrased as I am too lazy to look up the actual quote) and the same thing applies to games as well. So I can forgive a game having a bad story if the game can make up for it with entertaining gameplay since games have the added element of interactivity that movies do not.

Anyway, if you find all games boring, why even bother with them at all? It's like saying you hate porn and the act of self gratification but rub one out every day anyway because it has become an indistinguishable mundane daily routine lumped in with the rest of them like washing the dishes and making your bed in the morning.
C_nate said:
As for myself, I never get bored of games. I like a wide variety of games and if I get tired of one type I just play another type.

This is true for me. I try to keep a variety installed on my computer so I can switch between a few to keep interested. For example, recently just picked up NHL 10 for 360, been playing the shit out of that. Is it likely to last? No. But it's a break from shooters and other games I've played a lot of.
I just built my new PC, because I was missing PC gaming like mad. Console gaming just doesn't have the magic. I couldn't do it.

So anyway, new PC, got Sennheiser PC 360 headphones, and Battlefield 3 to test out the system.

My God... Everything is at ultra, max AA, 1980x1080, doesn't hiccup, 40-60+ FPS always.

With the headphones, i think this is the most immersive video game experience I have ever had. Normally I get bored with FPS campaigns, but I can't stop this one. It's so action packed.

Between that, Witcher 2, Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Far Cry 3, etc. I haven't enjoyed video games like this in a LONG time.
Far Cry 3, Diablo III, Torchlight II...

There are games I'm still looking forward to, but I know they still won't be good enough. They are all rehashed ideas, after all.
De-Ting said:
Far Cry 3, Diablo III, Torchlight II...

There are games I'm still looking forward to, but I know they still won't be good enough. They are all rehashed ideas, after all.
Maybe you are placing too high value on these things. Personally as long as the formula is correct and change is constant but not drastic I'm happy.

I think gaming is ok but much like a lot of things it'll lose interest with age.

That's what growing is up is all about. Think you could be gaming forever?

personally Far Cry 3 I could do without since I'm already burnt on FPS games lately. D3 I'll enjoy for sure. Torchlight never heard of it.

Try Dota 2.
Noritama said:
Torchlight never heard of it.

Try Dota 2.
Pity. I'd send you my free Steam copy of it from pre-ordering Torchlight II, but it kinda tricked me into downloading it.

And I don't remember what Dota stands for, much less where to acquire it.
De-Ting said:
Noritama said:
Torchlight never heard of it.

Try Dota 2.
Pity. I'd send you my free Steam copy of it from pre-ordering Torchlight II, but it kinda tricked me into downloading it.

And I don't remember what Dota stands for, much less where to acquire it.
You have to get a beta key for it. Just enter a random raffle and it's a good chance you'll get it.

It's all good tho, I'll probably buy it later on to give it a whirl I've heard a lot about the game.
I know what you mean in a way. I have a hard time sitting down and playing something for like 8 hours straight like I used too. I play maybe 2 or 3 hours, get distracted, find out the game is still running and I just turn on netflix or something while dabbling on the interwebs. It also seems flash game websites (kongregate, newgrounds) are holding my attention more, because I don't have to sit there and devote all of my attention to progress in the games.

I have to admit though, has given me the opportunity to play awesome games that I never could afford/allowed to buy etc. when I was younger. I've got all baldurs gate 1&2 with exp packs, icewind dale 1&2 with exp packs and neverwinter nights with exp packs for less than the cost of a new game at the store ($50 for all of them). The nostalgia of these old RPG's is, as ironic as it sounds, keeping my gaming choices fresh and new.
Noritama said:
De-Ting said:
Noritama said:
You have to get a beta key for it. Just enter a random raffle and it's a good chance you'll get it.
Yeah...that's not gonna happen.
Lol why not? Just go in there and say somethihg. Or you could fill the survey from valve.

It's not going to happen because:

We require 2 replays to be submitted. These should be 5v5
games where you show a decent level of lane control, map awareness and teamwork.

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