Anyone else pissed off with ACIII's glitches?


I've been playing ACIII since launch and have so far loved it but the past few times I played it I have noticed more and more glitches creeping in. Some aren't a big deal like mouths not moving with speech but others are pretty major:

1. The final liberation missions don't always trigger after the small missions are completed. Sometimes the icon vanishes and sometimes the character ignores you meaning recruitment of your contact isn't possible.

2. The lock picking animation is sometimes too high for the chest leading to the picks twisting thin air.

3. One of the traitors I was requested to follow caught on to me and triggered a fist fight. I couldn't fight back so I ran back to the mission start hoping to lose him and trigger the mission again. I started it over and the aggressive little fucker caught up with me AS A COPY OF HIM SPAWNED AND STARTED WALKING. I had to exit the Animus to sort it out.

4. The glitch that persuaded me to make this topic: Lock picking sometimes resets even if you were successful meaning you have to pick the lock again. I'm currently on my 7th attempt at picking the same goddamn lock and I've been successful each time only to have it reset.

5. Not really a glitch but the Homestead missions are only available for a finite time and once a particular (and undefined) main mission is complete you can never attempt that Homestead mission. One of my friends has missed out on at least two extra characters on the Homestead because of this ridiculous oversight.

It's a great game but these glitches and stupid design decisions almost ruin it for me and considering how long this game has had to be polished and perfected AND how many games the studio could refer to for guidance it's inexcusable.
I honestly don't agree with the GR review grade because of them. Plenty other games get minuses because of these things, and Ass. Creed Tres should be no different.

I've only watched my brother play the game, but he's ran into some of those. My favorite was seeing a comrade of his do an aerial assassination on a poor, defenseless dog, instead of the guard right next to him.
Im angry Im still waiting for the pc version. I guess this means the pc version could have glitches fixed by then because of the consoles but meh.
I've since discovered how to get around the Liberation mission glitch: it's not a glitch per se, more a horrible design oversight. The viewpoints don't unveil the whole map even when they have all been found and synchronised so the small Liberation missions before you meet your contact don't all show up meaning the contact doesn't give you your final mission to liberate the area either. To find the missing missions you have to search the shrouded areas. Simple but time consuming.
maca2kx said:
I started it over and the aggressive little fucker caught up with me AS A COPY OF HIM SPAWNED AND STARTED WALKING.
Have you ever been so mad you split yourself in 2 just so 1 of you could kick someones ass while you go on about your day?

Sourdeez said:
Im angry Im still waiting for the pc version. I guess this means the pc version could have glitches fixed by then because of the consoles but meh.
No, no it won't. This is Ubisoft, remember? It'll have even more glitches.

Honestly, too many games these days are coming out glitchy as hell. I'm aware that games are big and complex in this HD era and that delaying the game costs a ton of money, but surely developers can use those weeks/months between sending the final version of the game for printing to the release date working on a day-1 patch, after having a bunch of testers with constant feedback in the months leading up to printing.
Hell, what about all those people who don't have good or reliable internet? There's still fairly large populations of Australia who are stuck with dial-up (unless you want to pay upward of $100/mnth), can you imagine a 30mb patch on a 56k?
Imagine how people with that sort of internet feel when they get something like New Vegas for the PS3?
It's gotten to the point where it's ridiculous. Apart from my 2 latest purchases (horizon and halo 4), i generally wait a month or 2 after a release for the price drop and a patch or 2 to come out these days, and that just seems like the best way to do it.
Technically it did have a day 1 patch. Its just not the bugs your experiencing. Spoil alert to those who haven't played.
Bug Fix
- Animus Synching tutorial, fixed an issue where the player could think he's stuck in an infinite loading when getting to Boston after the end credits
- Fixed a bug where counter-killing with the bow does not always work
- NPCs spawned too far away could end up being of the wrong type
- Camera could remain stuck after the player being respawned
- Player could remain stuck after diving from a waterfall
- Player could remain stuck if he exits a slopped hay stack at a certain angle
- player would always get immediately detected when performing an unarmed stealth assassination in another guard's back
- Under rare circumstances, the crowd would stop spawning
- Fixed an animation glitch when interrupting the reception from high profile jump
- Fixed various occurrences of missing sounds
- In some cases, the Animus Database sound ambiance was not stopped when exiting
- Various stats and leaderboards were not showing up properly
- Online shop could sometimes appear empty if fetching the data from Xbox Live is taking too long
- Mission "RETURN TO ABSTERGO" - fixed a bug where the player would lose control over Desmond during a fight if he lures and kills some guards in the wrong area
- Mission "A DEADLY PERFORMANCE" - Mission would not continue if the player decides to climb the wall instead of using the ladder
- Mission "JOHNSON'S ERRAND" - fixed a bug where the game would remain stuck if the player runs during the black screen that occurs after exiting the tavern
- Mission "THE SURGEON" - Charles Lee could fall in the water and die while following the player, causing the mission to fail, if the player decides to take a certain path that involves jumping over the water
- Mission "THE SURGEON" - fixed a bug where we would show the desync effect if the player throws one of the target in the water, even though the mission is not really failed
- Mission "WELCOME TO BOSTON" - The courier side-quest next to the general store would not start properly
- Mission "EXECUTION IS EVERYTHING", fixed a bug where the mission would not continue if the NPCs you are eavesdropping react to a dead body
- Mission "THE BRADDOCK EXPEDITION" - Mission would not continue if the player kills all enemies in the camp, killing the required target last, without triggering open conflict
- Mission "FEATHERS AND TREES" - NPC's would not detect beams properly, preventing them from performing the trunk around move
- Mission "FEATHERS AND TREES" - Mission would not continue if the player doesn't follow the expected path
- Mission "HUNTING LESSONS" - Mission giver could not be there if the player goes away and comes back
- Mission "SOMETHING TO REMEMBER", fixed a bug where the screen could become all white or black for the remainder of the mission if the player set his brightness option to anything else than the default value
- Mission "ON JOHNSON'S TRAIL", fixed a bug that could cause the optional objective "Use powder kegs to destroy smuggled cargo" to not be saved properly if the player reloads during the mission
- Mission "THE TEA PARTY'' - Optional objective "Dump crates of tea in the water" could not be completed if the player threw all crates before having killed all guards
- Mission "THE MIDNIGHT RIDE" - Mission could not be completed if the player interacts with the delivery quest giver along the way
- Mission "BRIDEWELL PRISON", Player could remain stuck prison cells
- Mission "PUBLIC EXECUTION" - Crowd NPCs could be spawned in or walk through a cart during a cinematic
- Mission "SOMETHING ON THE SIDE" - Optional objective "Perform a successful static eavesdrop" could not be completed.
- Mission "MISSING SUPPLIES" - Optional objective "Do not hide in the hay cart while following the convoy" not being saved properly if the game is reloaded during second part of the mission

Crash Fix
- Possible crash that could happen if the player blends in a crowd group where some NPCs haven't spawned yet, and while blended performs a kill.
- Possible crash that could happen if the player triggered a loading while being in a covert escort formation with his brotherhood trainees
- Possble crash that could happen when calling a brotherhood trainee with the snipe ability

Naval Mission
- "OAK ISLAND" - Player could pass through the ground when diving into the cave
- "OAK ISLAND" - Wolves could stop attacking the player and remain stuck
- Possible crash if the player spams the swivel guns with the semi-automatic cheat enabled

- Mission "HAPPY EXPECTATIONS" - Game could remain stuck on a white screen when starting the mission
- On the Homestead, fixed a bug where the player could remain stuck if he performs a corner pose on the left side of Norris' cave's entrance

Side Quest
- Brawler Challenges 3 - Task "Own every weapon available in the stores" would not complete when the player expects it to.
- Fort Monmouth and Fort Division - Quest objectives would fail too early without the fort resetting properly
- New York delivery mission - Game asked for a different item (deer heart) than what was showed to the player (venison)
- New York Liberation Missions - Possible that the game would wrongly display that 2 of the districts were completely liberated when it's not the case yet
I certainly didn't have the trouble you're going on about. If I had suffered that many bugs I probably wouldn't have scored it so highly. Are you on Xbox?
Yeah, X360, Dan. I've spent the last few days playing the hell out of Halo but I picked AC back up today and haven't encountered any glitches but I've already done all the liberation missions (using the method I mentioned above), and I haven't picked any locks so it's probably just that I haven't been in a position to see a glitch.
I know lead development was on PS3 so that could be a contributing factor (I'm on PS3). Still pretty shitty. Launch model 360 or slim? That might be another factor. My 360 has had hard times with bugs since the slim came out and no one else has really had similar problems.
I'm on a glossy 250GB Slim so new style but not a brand new model number. The fact that production was on PS3 could definitely be a major factor though.
danielrbischoff said:
I know lead development was on PS3 so that could be a contributing factor (I'm on PS3). Still pretty shitty. Launch model 360 or slim? That might be another factor. My 360 has had hard times with bugs since the slim came out and no one else has really had similar problems.
Theoretically the drop in die size shouldn't change performance that badly, but i have noticed my fat tends to run up to 5FPS slower than my friends slim at certain points. Easily noticeable in 30FPS games like Halo.
I hate using guns or the bow and arrow. It feels terrible.

Sorry to spoil but her... potential spoilers below:

There's a mission where Connor gets arrested and put in a prison. You get released from your cell to be bought in like, the courtyard with all the other prisoners. While I was following the guard leading me out of my cell, a nearby other guard pushed me, then followed me with a bloody yellow triangle above his head, which turned red, and triggered combat.

So far on the pc when i shoot someone the bodies stretch out and fly around. horse carriages disappear sometimes even allowing me to run through them. And last shadows casting double shadow and strobing(I think its a SLI issue.)

Maybe nvidia will release another set of drivers soon :)
So far when on the PC i've noticed Ubisoft live up to their reputation.
My heavily overclocked HD6870 that let's me run BF3 maxxed with AA on @ 1080p.
1280x720, lowest possible settings, crippling lag issues.

Fucking excellent.
So far the only issues I've run into have been a set of graphical issues particularly related to 200 series Nvidia cards. Shiny RGB hair under certain light in cut scenes. Very bizarre. Otherwise, not any real noticeable glitches. Maybe just a few things not showing up on the mini map.
Yeah its not a issue I have but on my tech forums people are livid that no fix has been announced for it.

For a moment I thought I was having a acid flashback.



*unstretched -daniel

Get 1080p screens people and put your browsers at full screen :)

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