Battlefield 1


Played for a bit last night. The music is refreshing; nice to hear a symphonic score again. Rush is terrible: the game is obviously built around its beloved Conquest Mode. it has the old ticket system but has now included a ten minute timer, which almost always decides the matches. They also capped player count at an empty-feeling 12v12, and it blows my fucking gourd that they kept squads of 5 players. Neither 12 nor 32 is divisible by 5. Maybe I'm just stupid, but I have never understood this design choice.

Conquest was chaotic, as expected, and I enjoyed fighting over the small town area; it made for some great close-quarter encounters. I really like how you can not only open doors and windows, but either bash them or stealthily open them depending on how they're approached.

I'm still a bit turned off by some of the weaponry. It feels way more like 1930 than 1914-18. I was looking forward to more semi-auto gun battles. Oh well, it's still pretty fun. Not sure if I'm going to buy it on launch this time around, though. Haven't quite made my decision.

What do you guys think about it?
Haven't played it and to be honest I probably won't... it's disappointing to hear that the player cap is 12 v 12... maybe they did that on purpose to further encourage said close quarter battle? No idea. Any logical reason for this? :/
Rush is capped at 12v12 but Conquest still has the huge, 32v32 servers. Sorry, I didn't quite make that clear.
It sounds like a few concessions were made to keep the game flowing, I bet the 12 v 12 for Rush is done because of speed over anything else.

Are the guns faithful models of the real thing? Or are they just based on the semi-auto weapons and they give you a bit more firepower to keep up with the action?
Yea, it seemed liberties were taken to just keep the gun play nuanced, at least for gameplay sake. It's a far cry from 'Verdun,' which is a much slower paced game comprised of bolt action and semi-auto almost exclusively. I think BF1 will be a good avenue to satisfy that urge for mindless entertainment.
I played a teeny bit of the beta and it was pretty much that classic Battlefield fun. I have a group of friends, one in particular, that gets every Battlefield and plays the hell out of it, so I'm excited for that.
I started out hating it.

I ended up loving it. I fucking loved it. I loved it so fucking much.

I'll probably get it with Christmas cash. I would ask for it but it's DIGITAL ONLY WHAT THE FUCK? I GET LIKE TWO GODDAMN PRESENTS AND THIS CAN'T EVEN BE ONE OF THEM?! FUCKING EA!

Still good, though.
My experience was basically the same. I started loving it when Ugh joined for a few rounds. Saw two guys in a crater mow him down, so I lobbed a grenade and their bodies flew into the air in such a hilarious way. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't snag a screenshot.

Hahaha Fuck you, EA!

Isn't this pre-order shit getting too ridiculous?
They've been doing that since BF 4. I'm guessing it's the full game, the season pass, and a handful of exclusive skins and guns?
BF4 plus season pass was $110 (60 for the game and 50 for the pass) which is still a ludicrous amount. Now they want 20 more bucks, and they won't get it from me.
StudioTan said:
BF4 plus season pass was $110 (60 for the game and 50 for the pass) which is still a ludicrous amount. Now they want 20 more bucks, and they won't get it from me.

What else is added?
The Hellfighter Pack (some extra customizations and probably a sidearm or gadget)
Red Baron Pack and Lawrence of Arabia Pack (more skins)
The Premium Pass (four expansions, 16 new maps total) PLUS two weeks early access to the expansions
Five Battlepacks
Skins for the Behemoths

The $79 version is all that stuff minus the Premium Pass, so they're basically assigning $50 value to the pass, but getting the Ultimate Edition is the only way to get it right now and probably will remain the only way to get the early access to those maps.
Hum. Possibly a tell tale sign that pre-orders aren't fairing so well?

On what site can we find the stream, Osaco? Twitch?
StudioTan said:
Hum. Possibly a tell tale sign that pre-orders aren't fairing so well?

I think that might be reading a little far into some pretty basic marketing.
Seems normal really.

The extra revenue at the top is part deal for players, part bank for publishers and dev teams, and gives continued support from a dev team to make more content.

I am ok with a $50 street pass, if you know youre going to like the game or keep playing it, might as well take advantage of the deal.
Good points. I will say I have never felt I got my money's worth with the DLC maps because they wind up as Ghost Towns within a few months after their release. I'm sure the community remains strong on PC, but I seldom find a lobby with DLC maps in its rotation on the console.

Caught a glimpse of some of the maps for BF1. Not gonna lie, they look pretty fantastic! The city map is my favorite so far; its design reminds me of some memorable scenes from "Saving Private Ryan."

There's also a new mode called "Operations," and it seems to be a lot like "Rush," but instead of arming and defending bombs, you're required to hold positions within the objective perimeter while staving off waves of reinforcements. There also seems to be some sort of story that accompanies this mode, much like Titanfall, and I dig that. I hope "Operations" is well-received by the community and finds a permanent home in the Battlefield franchise.

Get a load of this awesome, hilarious pistol:
I've been put of town so I haven't tried my EA Access early play yet, but I'm excited to play a little on Sunday.

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