Best Game ever. Any system, any year, any game.

i am a full on legend of zelda fan:

twilight princess for sure!

ocarina of time is definately second

wind waker comes in third, good game but cant beat the classic Oot :)
First Place: Taxi for Commador64

Second: Digdug (making critters explode is awesome!) :twisted:

Third Place: FF7, why? (Quote from Barret: (sh*t man, I dont know whats going on!)
grandmagoodtimes said:
Oregon Trail for sure. I loved that game so much when I was a kid. I would seriously make love to it if it were a woman.

I liked killing off my family members. Starving them to death was awesome. :twisted:
Obscure, best ever games? You got it!

MYST! Had me hooked like a giant squid. One of the most frustratingly difficult games ever and paved the way for the great graphical games we see today. Legend.

Although considering it was the best selling PC game of all time before The Sims came along, maybe not that obscure ;)
Melainy said:
Obscure, best ever games? You got it!

MYST! Had me hooked like a giant squid. One of the most frustratingly difficult games ever and paved the way for the great graphical games we see today. Legend.

Although considering it was the best selling PC game of all time before The Sims came along, maybe not that obscure ;)
Riven was better, but both were still AMAZING!
Best games ever.
I hate Myst and games of its genre. i guess because I was exposed to both Myst and The 7th Guest back when I was so young that they were impossibly, impossibly difficult.
I think one of my favorite games of all time is Solar Striker on the original Gameboy. I would sit and play that game for hours. If I ever went anywhere in the car, I brought that game with me. It was so great in its simplicity.
used44 said:
I hate Myst and games of its genre. i guess because I was exposed to both Myst and The 7th Guest back when I was so young that they were impossibly, impossibly difficult.

Very fond merories of 7th Guest, 11th Hour aswell.

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