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I'm pretty happy where I am in terms of living. I guess I just wish it wasn't so expensive.

As for that one time applying for Bioware... that just sounded like an awesome idea at the time.

Truth be told I think it's just my career that may need a change, not so much where I live.
Hey now Chrissy-wissy, you keep playing your cards right and you'll make your way to a free American flag - "free" with a captial CAPITALISM.

Just admit your tipping fucking sucks, and I'll admit there's nothing wrong with my country.

Hahaha, funnily enough, my friend has that exact shirt WL.

Chris, once again, I wish! DATTEBAYO!
Optimus-Crime said:
When it comes to country debates online, X vs. Y always = America.

Gotta love how foreigners compare their shit holes to some American occurrence that may or may not have even happened to them.



I'm more ashamed of the people who go out of their way to snap disparaging photos of others for laughs instead of offering assistance.
StudioTan said:
I'm more ashamed of the people who go out of their way to snap disparaging photos of others for laughs instead of offering assistance.
You can help after you've taken the hilarious picture.
StudioTan said:
I don't get off on insulting people.

That's just Icepick being Icepick. You can't hold him up to the moral standards of normal people. Icepick's moral compass sort of points in the direction of Cobra Commander.

Did the dude wreck or is he just leaned out hard on purpose to reach the lower shelf and he's in total control? Impressive either way.
you act like I took the fucking picture, when did this forum become populated by soapy vaginas?

more americans doing what they do best




seriously, too fucking lazy to walk, how pathetic. Are you all afraid the earths gravity is going to cut in half so you're all bulking up to stay planted on the ground? When they say you can be anything you want to be when you're in school, did everyone decide they wanted to be a manatee?

you know what, I apologize, I forgot you guys were number 1

America? whatever...I just think it's downright pathetic to shame a person that isn't even aware they're being filmed. It speaks volumes of the character of the person doing it.
I can cherry pick pictures to prove a point as well.

Let me just go find a bunch of pictures of hot, athletic people and high tech innovators for you.
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