Choose Your Own Adventure


So tired.
It's springtime. Which means Spring Cleaning (read: de-cluttering). I was going through boxes my parents sent me way back and found old CYOA books that I fanatically wrote when I was in elementary school. So guess what? I'm going to write horrible CYOA stories here in the forums. Now as a notice...set your expectations low. I'm no novelist; this just seemed like a fun idea.

If you're interested in becoming a guest entry author send me a PM.
The rules are simple. First choice to reach 3 votes is the path that I will take. In reader response, you can write something down. But if I get 8 votes for whatever and none for the choices're out of luck, and we'll have an on-topic vote. I will write these when I get around to them. I expect most entries to be somewhere between 4 or 15 sentences, but let's face it...sometimes you want to give a choice instead of make it all up yourself.

The first is going to be loosely patterned on one of 10 year-old Brett's masterpieces.


Just Another Day

Light slowly filled the small room. There were many things scattered about. First and foremost, there was dust, and lots of it. But there were also boxes, barrels, and curled up in a corner, there was also a boy. As the light finally reached him, he awoke with a start, his hand quickly reaching inside his coat. But that intensity faded as he realized he was alone. He got to his feet, stretching away the aches and pains. He wandered over to the window, letting the light wash over him. It looked to be just another day...

in the Western Frontier.
turn to page 8

aboard the spaceship, Phalanx.
turn to page 42

...reader response...
turn to page 17
Can we do what I did with CYOA books and read both scenarios then stick with the one that I like more?

No? Ok then SPACESHIP!

page 42
Just Another Day, Part 2

Red. Would that ever seem natural? It still felt like waking unto a nightmare, a world bathed in blood, or alarm lighting when pressure dropped or the ship was conserving energy. The boy shivered. Dark thoughts, first thing in the morning? That never made for a good day. So on to more important business...

Urgent needs.
Turn to page 2

Turn to page 301

Avenging your fallen parents
Turn to page 9
If avenging = murdering spree than mass murder! I mean Avenging your fallen parents through genocide.

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