Dark Souls

Green_Lantern said:
Where is the first campfire at in the Parish? I just got past the steel warthog thing and picked up the Mystery Key...But I'm out of Estus Flasks and my health is pretty low, so I'm about to go back to the one in the Burg if I'm not close to a new one....
In the room right below the red dragon. It's hard to get to, but not impossible. I actually got there on my first try entirely by accident.

Go on the bridge from the back, and when the dragon's on the tower rush up to the top right corner of the midway, just past the banister of the stairs. Alternatively, just go right to that part from underneath. Regardless, it's safe there. For a few moments. After a while, the dragon'll fly off the tower and land on the bridge. This is your cue to run as fast as you can to the room with the bonfire. Quickly light it and sit down, and the dragon'll fly away. Then you just open the gate and you're at the Parish.
That is so much better than having to go underneath the bridge every damn time....Hopefully the dragon respawns if I try to go back over the bridge, cause my starting ax is getting kind of weak and wouldn't mind trying to get the Drake Sword
He does. Believe me. And if not, you can get the claymore from underneath his perch, which is what I used to get through Parish.
Bah, I'm going to have to try and get to that bonfire. I'm skeered... that dragon kicked my ass the first time it swooped down, scared the 'ish out of me.
Beat the tower demons, some random headless/legless demon, and two black knights. I think I did well, now time to grind up some levels and keep going.

This game is a fucking bitch!
So yeah, I can't stop thinking about/playing this game. i wake up, go to work and am counting down the hours to get home and kick my own ass some more. my favorite moment thus far in my brief journey through this game has been...


so i get to this gargoyle thing with an axe tail at the top of the parish. i was like "holy shit! it has an axe for a tail and it's going to kill me! i know, i'll stay back and run in when the time is right." so i battle on when suddenly i'm like "holy shit! TWO gargoyles?!" then about 5 seconds later..."holy shit! he BREATHES FIRE?!"

-end spoiler-

then i died.

It hurts so good.
^It's amazing you can mark your spoilers, color them white or #f8f8f8, but I will always, ALWAYS, read them anyways.
Somewhat spoiler: You can cut its tail off and use it as a weapon. Which is cool.

Really, thus far, I have two complaints with this game.

1. Special weapons from bosses are by chance. In every demon battle, you can potentially get their special weapon. But it's not a 100% chance to get it. If you're in human form and have humanity, you have much, much better odds, but still. It's a little annoying.

2. This one's a lot bigger. Thanks to Namco being shitty at running online, if you aren't in the Way of the White or Sun covenants, good luck getting summoned. There's no central server or anything so the notes are shown much, much less and practically at random, and the white stone was changed so that rather than being plus or minus (10 + 10%) of your level it's just 10%. So if you're level 20, the only people who see your sign/the only signs you see are in between levels 18 and 22. This could easily be fixed, though whether it will or not is a whole nother story.

Beyond that, it's an amazing game. I just killed a giant butterfly. Yes, that's right. I'm awesome.
... my GF just surprised me with a Limited Edition Copy of Dark Souls.

Is this a sign of love... or hate?

I'm scared.
danielrbischoff said:
Kijan said:
... my GF just surprised me with a Limited Edition Copy of Dark Souls.

Is this a sign of love... or hate?

I'm scared.
Love. I can't find the limited edition ANYWHERE.

Started playing last night. Just passed the Asylum part and now I'm at the place where the bird drops you off.

I'm taking a beating.
I'm taking a heavy beating.
The skellies at the GY are quite the bunch. :)

But I can't really compare them to their bigger brother. Damn bastard is tough to kill. Need to find a better strategy for him.

I'm playing as a Cleric though. Any tips from the older Demon's Souls players? :)
Kijan, don't go to the graveyard. Go in the opposite direction toward Undead Burg. That's the starting area.

The grave yard leads to the Catacombs. I've been playing for 25 hours and I'M not strong enough for the catacombs.
Just picked up the Drake Sword....Talk about a huge upgrade from my starter ax. I went from having to hit those polearm knights 4 times to one shotting them.

The only problem with it is that my endurance (I think that's the stat at least) isn't high enough so I don't roll at the fastest speed with it.
Yeah, Endurance is the stat. I'm currently using a ring that buffs my equip burden up, so it's at about 45% of my max, so I roll at half speed.

I do like that it's no longer just Fast/Slow/Stop as far as equip burden stuff goes. It's now if it's under 25% it's fast, under 50% it's medium, and under 100% it's slow. Over 100% and you can hardly move or roll. It's an improvement.

Anyway, I just killed a Vagina Dragon. It gives a lot of souls, so I'm trying to get summoned to fight it again.
danielrbischoff said:
I haven't bought a strategy guide in what feels like millenia.... but I think I'm going to get Dark Souls'
Just wait for the wiki...

...unless the wiki is in blinding white, again.
danielrbischoff said:
I haven't bought a strategy guide in what feels like millenia.... but I think I'm going to get Dark Souls'

It sounds like they're a pretty limited edition print, so you may want to get on that if you do want to get one.

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