Dead Space 2.


Any one pick this up today? I have not as I still need to beat Dead Space...Even though the demo told me everything I needed to know from the first one. I will say the demo level was short on suspense and long with the action. It's a shame too because the first Dead Space did what the first RE did to me - Make my heart rate increase and put me on edge. Of course, I'm nitpicking and being lame by judging a single demo level.

Controls felt tight, combat felt a little better and Isaac didn't feel so cumbersome.
Dead Space was meant to be scary?
Huh, Amnesia was meant to be freaky too.

Neither of them affected me at all.

Am i just a desensitised bastard or does anyone else think these games are lacking scares?
Dead Space isn't about psychological thrills so much as pop-out-and-scare-you thrills. Yeah, you can be desensitized to them but it's still pretty fun.

I still need to beat Dead Space before I can play this.
I hate Europe!!


You're not desensitised maddy, everyone else is a poof (including me).
But I love a good scare, and this game sucks you in so much - I LOVE IIIT
I can't afford DS2 because I just bought LBP2 instead. I did play the original Dead Space though, and it was honestly the first game to scare me in years. Not psychologically, like Used said, but the pop-outs and the ambiance of the entire game were fantastic, and EA's use of sound in the game set the bar for sound in a horror game. I honestly tell people that the first Dead Space was what Resident Evil: 5 should have been.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to finally being able to play it when I have the cash, probably in a week or two when I get paid.
Dead Space was kinda scary, but hell, I played Silent Hill 2 around the same time and that was ten times scarier. By the time you got about a third of the way through, it became somewhat predictable. Still pretty good, though.

I'll get this... eventually. I just got God Hand, so I'm pretty busy with the best game ever made ever.
Longo_2_guns said:
I'll get this... eventually. I just got God Hand, so I'm pretty busy with the best game ever made ever.


Anyway, I bought the game for my friend since his birthday just happened to be the 25th, and I watched him play a bit. They really like playing off his dementia with the whole "his girlfriend is dead Oh Noooo" scenario, but it's awesome to see the crazy shit that can go in his head at any given moment. Don't look at screens! All in all, I can't wait to rent this game off of GameFly and give it a whirl, since my money is going to other things, like MvC3 and Pokemon White.
TheDiesel said:
since my money is going to other things, like MvC3 and Pokemon White.
Pokemon white/black is very average and the graphics are still too ugly and sharp.

Plus, all the pokemon suck. And the 3v3 battles sound cool until you have to do like 4 of them in a row every 5 minutes.
His lack of a life.

It wasn't scary like "omg I can't sleep at night" but it had some good jump out at you thrills like Used said. It was likely more tense due to the fact that you really don't get those types of games anymore so you're not quite used to it. Or I'm not rather. I love RE 5 but damn I wanted some more scares. The Lost in Nightmares add-on adequately added that though thankfully. Silent Hill Homecoming, I have here and I'm about an hour or so in, haven't had a single scare. Did they drop the ball on that one? I remember 2 being weird as shit.
Lethean said:
Silent Hill Homecoming, I have here and I'm about an hour or so in, haven't had a single scare. Did they drop the ball on that one? I remember 2 being weird as s***.

They are hopefully bringin' it back with Downpour. Though I know for the little I played of Shattered Dimensions, it was pretty creepy: until the game mechanics and stupid dream sequences ruined the damn game for me.

Pokemon white/black is very average and the graphics are still too ugly and sharp.

Plus, all the pokemon suck. And the 3v3 battles sound cool until you have to do like 4 of them in a row every 5 minutes.

It's a GF thing.
So I played through... what 2 chapters... in the past two nights and I'm liking it so far. Some really good sequences in this one, a bit more variation in what you're doing moment to moment, especially with the hacking minigames.
I'm about that far aswell. I'm loving it. I died in the first 5 seconds of the game though! I thought at the time, "....this is gonna be AWEsome!"

End of chapter 2 is so good, I saved it as a separate file, and have played that part through again at least 5 times!

My only complaint is that the scare is kind of gone. And I think that's because you know you're not exactly alone. In the first it had that isolated feeling, whereas this one doesn't.
madster111 said:
Am i just a desensitised b****** or does anyone else think these games are lacking scares?

I'm at Chapter 13 of Dead Space 2. And I have been scared just as many times as I had by the equivalent point in the first Dead Space.

That being none.

I'm more of a "less is more" and "combat capable is fear incapable" sort of person. On both counts Dead Space 2 fails hard.

Now, Clock Tower on the SNES, that was a scary game.
III loved it. Except for the end.
It made me laugh as much as it scared me, which is kinda cool, and takes off a bit of the tension.
Also, I'm like, the only one who enjoys the multiplayer.

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