Duke Quit!?!?

Duke's presence and personality will be sorely missed on the site. Without him, GR wouldn't be the warm home to inebriated misfits that it is. Cheers.

And as Mr. Dodson said above, this is Nick and Blake's big chance to step up and show us all what they can do. Duke's left some big shoes to fill, but I'm sure that between the two of them, they'll find a creative (i.e. demented) way to get all four of their feet to fit into those two pirate-y shoes somehow or other. But, please, guys. Don't hurt any animals in the process.
Damn.....When I finally find my account details something like this happens.....damn.........

So are there going to be 2 funemployed podcast members now?
As far as I'm concerned, this was the first and greatest gaming website. I wish Duke, Collin, Blake, Nick, Chris and all her other contributors the best of luck. The best thing about this place was always the F U C K I N G HONESTY. It served as a consumer advocate, really. Blake and Nick, you are the best positioned witnesses of a time soon to come that these little games grow up into something even more profound. I'm glad I got your autographs fellas.
I can still fondly remember the lack of review for the Spice World game, my enthusiam to buy "Rune" after hearing their raves about the multiplayer, my disappointment when reading their review of the "South Park" game on the 64 and the subsequent retraction of bad feelings when I found out it sucked, renting an Armyman 64 game even after one of their reviews trashed it, playing it for 10 minutes before realizing that it indeed was trash and should just listen to GR from then on, the weekly mail bags and my joy when one of my letters got posted, cheat codes for Twisted Metal 2, and about a million other things related into my retarded time-sink that is video games. And most of them came from this website. Now that el duce is gone, I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Its BS, i dont see the point in hangin around here without the Big Kahuna. I cant say I'm a piece of the forum furniture but I love the stuff here. This site has been so honest about the big events (drinking!!) and especially the game reviews and its all due to Duke. The man has built an interesting corner of the web that I was proud to associate with. I dont feel any association with this D birschof intern dude and even Nick and Blake reflect totally different perspectives from what I perceive as the 'dream job'. The humble and expressive Duke Ferris is the voice of GR, the shell that remains will not be able to enhance what is already an nearly saturated medium. ps im totaled on brawndo
http://www.gamerevolution.com/features/ ... videogames

Listen up, brothers and sisters. Doing a paper on violence in video games?
The amount of research (read: man hours) and links to raw data will push this article to the top of your works cited page.

Take it from me and trust that I know: no one posted a resource with this amount of substance - all found in one place - on the net before Duke Ferris.

Better than any EGM report on Lieberman and Hilary Clinton, better than any GamePro write up on Lethal Enforcers and Night Trap. Save your time because this is the one you're looking for.

For this alone, Mr. Crave, you are a complete buffoon.
Get better than this.
I actually did a report and used the Children at Play article as my main source. My teacher was pretty damn impressed.
Well this sucks. I'm imagine the office just isn't going to be the same. I'm sure Duke will continue to do great things though.

There was a hell of a send off party when I left. There certainly needs to be a colossal party for Duke. Seems like a requirement to me. Invite everyone.
Bretimus_v2 said:
For instance, I came to know most of you by clicking on topics listed on the "Recent Forum Activity" box that you could find alongside reviews and articles. If it hadn't been for that box, I never would have enjoyed your topics, come to know you and eventually joined. By removing that box, they cut off people like me from joining.

*runs off looking for forum box

WTF? People like you were the reason I made that box. I can't imagine why they would remove it except maybe that there was no profanity filter. That would have been easy enough to add though.
This news makes me sad. I've grown up alongside GR and I feel like Duke's personality really defined the experience. In my youth I learned a few life lessons from GR, like how to write a strong, fun review for the school newspaper or how it's not OK to link goatse on a web forum. Good times.

To Duke - Thanks for all the effort and charm you put into the site. I know there are a lot of people like me on whom you've had a big nerdy impact.

Also you are super cool. Good luck in your future being-a-cool-guy activities.

To Nick and Blake - I'm scared. Hold me.
Joeblow and Joe D: This place started going way down hill after you guys left. Duke being ousted is kind of the coup de grí¢ce.

GR may still exist in name, but it is dead in spirit.

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