Fatal Frame 4


Ohhhh, I just found out about this today. It's already out in Japan but their is no release date set for NA and Europe :cry:

But from what I've heard it's an entirely new story with new characters. That's good for me because I didn't play the 3rd.
Nice, it's good to see the series is still going. I feel that Fatal Frame is very underrated here in NA.

I've played all 3 and I feel the first one is still the best and then they began to decline. But all the games have managed to scare the crap out of me at one point so I wouldn't say the games have gone stale.
Shouldn't this be in Nintendo since it's only for Wii?

I don't really care about since it would scare the crap out of me if I played it.
That blows hardcore.

I still haven't played FF3, I've been unable to ever find it at a decent price. I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and buy it...

But, between 1 and 2, my vote goes for # 1, it's such an awesome game. I should replay it.. someday

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