Favorite way to kill in the Grand Theft Auto series


There has been many Grand Theft Auto games. Each way to kill someone is extremely humorous. Share how you killed a bot or other gamers in the Grand Theft Auto series

Lentium - congratulations on being the only one who does not sound like they're seven years old.

Kingkyle - You're right. You weren't raised *right*, and obviously didn't get a very good education.

Latez - No comment.
Drive-by on a motorcycle, only to hit a wall since I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.
Simple and crude, but I enjoy it nontheless.
Shooting a hooker after sex or beat her up with knuckles.

Steal a car with a passenger or a Taxi and drive for the ocean, jump from car before you dive in the water and see them drown.

Burning 'em....man so many good ways
Alright, the temptation to post a sarcastic response is overwhelming...but I must digress.

Hitting people with cars is pretty fun now with the physics. Best death I've seen was the time I did the "first date" mission. I picked up Michelle and went rippin away with her in the car, a motorcycle pulled out (this was before I even knew there was motorcycles in the game) right in front of me...so naturally I was thinking "hey, cool a motorcycle." Naturally, I slammed into him head on and launched the driver straight up in the air (like hundreds of feet, not just flipped him over my car). As I laughed hysterically I kept driving to the objective, and about 3 or 4 blocks later his dead body fell from the sky and landed on the hood of my car... needless to say it was a lovely first date with Michelle.
'Accidentally' caused a 16 car pileup on the highway ring around Las Venturas.

I didn't get wanted for it, and I got several cars to explode.
GTA4, by far, get a chopper and angle it so the blades hit cars on the street, and zoom, away they go

also i clipped a building and lost my rear rotor blade, i was high as shit and never seen that before, i laughed as i fought to maintain control
So wait... you can shoot, punch or run somebody over.

Not a lot of variety.

Also... you should talk to somebody about your problems. It might fix your aggression and need for HUGE text.
The revamped physics makes running people down absolutely hilarious. Also, try jumping out of a helicopter from high elevations and landing on someone.
Best kill is stealing some determined guy's car. He'll chase after you, grab the door handle and you pin it, dragging him down the street. One quick turn and he goes slamming into some newspaper boxes.
Also when you crash a bike, the rider falls ahead and still you run him over with the car, first time I was laughing like crazy, though it doesn't happens aways
Shooting people through the windshield is pretty fun, but hitting motorcyclist at full speed, takes the cake.
Maybe I can pose the question, and stand on my own mortality when I say, why does it seem the only purpose of this game is to find the most extreme, radical, out of the box ways to maim and kill people? Does that bother anyone else here? Can anyone step away and say what makes this game good or its gameplay mechanics superub wihout including stories of killing hookers and running over cops?

Now don't get me wrong I play PLENTY of violent video games, but they're fantasy, fiction. I take pleasure in defeating opposition and over coming obstacles, whether that be gun implacements or bunkers full of Geth. I find it fun to get revenge on someone who has fragged me, and I laugh when a bunch of people group together and they stay that way long enough for my grenede to kill them all.

But it comes to a point you have to wonder exactly why so many take pleasure in such rampand chaos and destruction on completely dociile targets and innocent bots. I, personally don't understand. I'd appreciate if someone couild clue me in, but I'm totally at a loss whenever I read a topic like this.


1. Hijack the biggest airplane I can find.
2. Find the most crowded intersection I can.
3. Fly as fast as possible directly at the intersection.
4. ?????

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