Friendship is rare, do you know what I'm saying to you

Guys, you try not to answer a question with another question. That's an improv tip from yours truly.
^^ and radio psychologists:

Why didn't Cliff? He has bullshit stories I would love to see. I'm from the western side of PA, come stalk me! Oh wait, some girl from saw my video when Daniel made that April Fools joke. She went to my profile and saw my gamertag and email address. Not sure if this person is serious or trolling me.
There were a bunch of ppl I wanted to meet up with but no one lives near Wisconsin lol

Meeting used 44 back in the day would have ruled
Sometimes Wicked and Rakon just wanna go where everybody knows their name.

*enters GR*
Everybody: "BLACKSTAR!"
BlackStar: "Hey, Lethean get me a beer, no head... I'm not gay"

*cue laugh track*
Pfffft please. You know where we all should meet? UK. UK in all its glory! We can go to the seaside, play beach games, eat customary English chips, play in the arcades, and then come back to a rented cottage or something where we can game into the early hours, which will then turn into us all inevitably making out with each other.

C'mon guys flights are only £600 - get booking!!

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