Gamefly... then vs. now


I don't know how many people have been using gamefly since the early days around here but man has it come into its own. I'll be honest... I didn't expect them to survive. I wanted them to but so many others came and went and I just figured it was inevitable they would too. Now here I am, like 4 years later and they're dominating the rental industry. Crazy. I held on with them, even when things were slow because they had a great library of titles and I really wanted to them to succeed. I didn't expect them to but somehow they did. Now, looking back I'm amazed. I can't imagine life without them now.
I really need to sign up for this since I can't afford to buy every game I'm interested in and I tend to beat most games within a week anyway.
I'll tell you what, when I sit down and do the math the last 4 years I've used gamefly have saved me somewhere in the neighborhood of $6 or $7k. I am not kidding. If I'd bought new or even used everything I've cycled through with gamefly I swear to god I'd be in the high thousands and really... that's just ridiculous. Especially considering a good half of those games are ones that, once played, would never be something I'd shell out the cash to own.
I was thinking of doing Gamefly. I met a guy last weekend who was playing Prototype and he said he got it from Gamefly and I was shocked they had a pretty popular new game that quickly to him.
New releases aren't hard to get. There are a couple of tricks to ensure you get your hands on them however. Number one, it's key to get them into your game queue prerelease and have them in the #1 slot (with an open space on your account for a game to ship) on release day. I don't remember the last time I didn't get a new release this way.
I was thinking about using gamefly, but since I currently work at Gamestop, I can rent out games for 4 days at a time anyway for free, so it saves me even more money.
I would defy the usps and pull my Gamefly mail out of the dps tray to hand sort it with the larger flat mail as a special thank you to my customers. So think of your friendly neighborhood postman before you blame one for stealing your Gamefly mail.. you lying assholes.
Chris_Crime said:
I would defy the usps and pull my Gamefly mail out of the dps tray to hand sort it with the larger flat mail as a special thank you to my customers. So think of your friendly neighborhood postman before you blame one for stealing your Gamefly mail.. you lying assholes.

Easy tiger... :wink: Far as I can tell, no one here mentioned anything about their postman stealing games.

For whatever it's worth, I've only ever had a couple games not arrive in my 4 years with gamefly. I'd say that's a pretty good track record.
Chris_Crime said:
sry Randy, I've just heard enough stories.

"You say your mailman is stealing your mail, your Gamefly mail."
Welch, 55yrs old, Vietnam Vet, divorced, single, alcoholic, avid professional wrestling fan, prone to passing out in 100 degree weather, doesn't play video games, on the "do not drug test" list

This guy isn't stealing your Super Mario Galaxy.

:lol: I hear ya. Honestly the reports of this sort of thing are few and far between. It's a small number of instances. I think the far greater number of thieves sadly exist within the gaming community itself. I don't know how many times I've seen some little $hit spouting off about how they ripped off gamefly and then, in the same breath have the audacity to complain about how they couldn't get a new release.

Fortunately gamefly's managed to stay ahead of the cretins.

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