Games you're glad you finally beat


There's a games you wish you beat topic, so why not have a games you're glad you beat topic?

It took me at least a month to figure out how the hell to beat the final alien boss in Megaman 2(honestly....bubbles? wth) so i was very excited when i finally beat it. Pitfall: The Mayan adventure for the genesis is probably the single hardest game I've ever played and I'm glad i eventually beat it. Sonic 2 took me a while as well, metal sonic was cake but robotnik was hard as hell.

So, what games are you glad you beat?
The original Doom on Nightmare (it really is a nightmare)
Doom 2 on Nightmare
Final Doom on Nightmare
Deus Ex on Realistic
Myth and Myth 2
Empire Earth (since it took me the best part of four years)

That is all for now. When I think of more I shall post them.
Fight Night Round 3. That game's difficulty ramps up to a crazy degree before the Everlast belt.
Well, the Lead (don't read that as that incredibly heavy element) Bubbles sort of represent water, and the alien is in fact just a remote-controlled robot, so naturally, water would short-circuit it. :p

And just like the other topic, I can't miss out on Guitar Hero. Every single song I've had to work on to beat, I've been overjoyed when I get through them. All those hours, nay days spent to beat f.ex. "Bark at the Moon". Whenever I beat a really hard GH-song, I let out a primal scream.

I didn't like Suikoden V much, but the final battle went on for quite some time, and I was whittled down to one character left alive... That's when it feels good to see the flashing that indicates the beginning of the end.

And the first time I beat Minesweeper: Expert in less than 100 seconds, I felt like I'd properly beaten that game...
It also took me a while to beat Sonic 2. I had problems with metal sonic, but Dr. Robotnik was easy as hell. I think I killed him in under a minute on my 2nd or 3rd try.

Also Majora's Mask. That was the first zelda game I beat without looking at a walkthrough, and I was pretty damn proud of myself when I did beat the game, with every single mask. There was no way I was able to beat the final boss as regular link, though. I sucked too much.
Portal from The Orange Box. Took me two days and two hours to finish the final puzzle and figure out the final boss.

Great ending though, that song is stuck in my head like a bad elevator jingle.
You had trouble with metal sonic and not robotnik? Wtf is wrong with you frozen? As for hawk one, honestly, did you think to use bubbles? I had tried every power except for it so many times and finally i was like "I don't think I have tried bubbles yet" and sure enough it worked.
Drill Dozer, only getting all the treasures.
and sadly, 007 Nightfire for the GC, i completely suck on FPS games on the console.
Burnout: Revenge.

I may not have gotten all the stars but hey, if the game thinks I've beaten it by getting all the cars, then who am I to disagree?
I'd say the worst is either Guitar Hero II or perhaps Dead Rising. Those special forces soldiers just pissed me off. I had to stop playing for a few months just to calm down.
good lord sooo many hear we go
draken gaurd2 fuck legna she's a whore
sonic cd, very confusing level desgin twords the end
viewtiful joe 2 was frustrating i had to play then stop for periods of time
knights for saturn, the joker boss was haaaard
armored core 2 project phantasim, wasnt hard but it took me over 3 years to find a copy of it in stores rather than on ebay
well its not a game but that case of beer took some serious time and effort
took me a while to defeat last boss in metroid prime.
i actually gave up when i first got the game. then i replayed from the beginning about half a year later, and randomly beat him first time through. was the best few minutes of my life.
I felt proud when I completed Okami. Not because it was difficult (in fact, it was very easy), but it took me 50 hours to complete it. I have never completed a game that was that long.
I was also proud that I completed the original MegaMan. That game was very difficult, and I was relieved when I completed it.

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