GR Community Podcast (Beta) - Episode 1: Thanksgiving NOW UP

Planning the next GRCP! I was going to share the planning doc with everyone here, but I sort of want it to remain secret for now, for those who aren't expecting to join us. It's hosted on a google doc, so if you want to participate, reply or PM or whatever, and I'll send you the link to it and such. :)

EDIT: I think we're running with a Thanksgiving special, which means that it'd be some time this coming week. So don't delay!
You actually got a WiiU?

Thursday is looking to be the day for this to happen. Anyone want to join, feel free to message Sightless or I. If we could get this on a weekly schedule, that would be great.
So, we're recording at 3PM EST tomorrow. That's 9PM for you, MattAY. Anyone else want to join? Feel free to message Sightless or I.
Sweet. Howie, we could get a couple of hours of achievement hunting in there before we talk ;)?

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