Great Machinima


You can post links to your favorite machinima films here. I'll start:

Just copy the text and paste it into your address bar. This is a great film made with Half Life 2.
Longo_2_guns said:
It sounded like the guy just learned to cuss yesterday. Plus he made Leon sound like he needed anger-management.

I only watched the first one, and the only good part to me was when all the guys are surrounding the house Leon is in, and one guy says "I'm gonna go get some coffee."

Please don't tell me you made this. :(
Longo_2_guns said:
No wonder, you only watched the first one. The other ones are better.

I guess I'll give em a listen tomorrow. But did you make these, just out of curiosity?
Well, I kinda did.

For my Media Studies course, we needed to create a documentary. I chose to make one about 'How To Become An Evil Genius'. I created it using screenshots taken from The Sims 2.

Don't go Googling it, I never uploaded it to a site.

Oh, and if you're still looking for machinima, have you tried the classic RvB, Strangerhood and P.A.N.I.C.S. series from Rooster Teeth?
Cool! Anyhoo, I have only seen RvsB but I know of a very good Halo 2 show, This Spartan Life.

You guys should check it out. I have another great link to post, but... erm... I kinda lost it. :oops: Once I find it though, I'll post it.
Machinima is the art of making movies with videogames. It usually involves using a command console, a detachable in-game camera and several characters on screen who are the movies actors. Their in-game actions are recorded and sound, sometimes voice, is added to it.

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