
Sorry for another GTA4 thread, but I just wanted to say that there is little to no difference in the visuals here.

In fact, the only slight differences in the graphics are in favor of the 360, not the PS3 like everyone imagined.

I'm not trying to be a Sony hater, but now hopefully Sony fanboys will STFU.
I do not get that point that people keep saying that the PS3 version is running at a lower def.

I noticed it had the same "bug" as CoD4. That it only runs on 720p, and will only change to 1080p if I tell my Ps3 that my TV only runs 1080p.

My TV can show what is running on screen, if it may be 5xxp or 1080p.
And I have yet to see it run with 480p as some claim that the PS3 version is running.

If you do not believe me, I can take pictures of it.
And there is a difference when it changes from 720p to 1080p.

I tried to replicate the building popup as seen on the video.
And I have yet been able to do so.
Seems like a freak event.

Also if you think the PS3 version is dark, then do as I have done, change your brightness and contrast levels.

But both version are almost identical either way.
Gametrailers always has a Microsoft bias when it comes to these videos. During the Orange Box comparison, they had autosave on on the PS3 version and not on the 360 version and then claimed that loading took a lot longer on the PS3 version.
Loading takes wicked long on The Orange Box for both consoles anyway.
Really, longo? That seems shockingly unprofessional...surely they'd remedy that when they found out and adjust opine...
Longo_2_guns said:
Gametrailers always has a Microsoft bias when it comes to these videos. During the Orange Box comparison, they had autosave on on the PS3 version and not on the 360 version and then claimed that loading took a lot longer on the PS3 version.
link to the proof of your claims.

good to know, now i can hit people saying ''OMG! GTA IV RUNS FASTER AND LOOKS BETTER ON PS3! LOL!''
I thought you got banned? Can you do whatever got you banned again? If not, just leave anyway.
i say if you have a 360, get it for 360.. if you got a ps3, then get it for ps3... if you have both, then who cares.
I have both, hense it was a tough choice for me. I preordred mine months out, and I went for the 360. At the time I was hoping it had system link so I could use two copies, but even so I stand by my decision as I prefer the 360 controller and I'm a sucker for achivements.

I heard theres more popup in the 360 version, but so far I havn't found any really noticable amount of popup, but I havn't seen the PS3 version running so can't really compare.
The controller would definetly be my number one reason for choosing the Xbox version.
grandmagoodtimes said:
I'm not a big fan of the Xbox controller. What's wrong with the Playstation controller?

I'm not a big fan of the PlayStation controller. What's wrong with the Xbox controller?

Yay for opinions.

grandmagoodtimes said:
I'm not a big fan of the Xbox controller. What's wrong with the Playstation controller?

My main problem with it is the analog sticks, they should of swapped the D-pad with the left analog stick.

Plus mine doesn't have rumble, but I'll end up buying one of those new rumble ones later down the track. The overall shape could be improved too.

I've got to hand it to mircosoft though, they came out with one horriable controller when the Xbox first launched. It was the worse of that generation, then they owned up and made the controller S which I found to be the best of that generation. The main problem with it? the black and white buttons we're hard to reach. So this generation, what did they do? Moved the black and white buttons to the bumpers and called them LB and RB.
They started out with the worst, and two controllers later they've fixed every problem I've had with it.

The PS3 controller just seems outdated, adding triggers was great but there hasn't been much of an update since the first moved to DualShock.
Rekkie7 said:
My main problem with it is the analog sticks, they should of swapped the D-pad with the left analog stick.
I like keeping both of my thumbs in about the same area, but that's just me. I prefer the PS3 controller for more fps's and games that require use of the L and R buttons, because I prefer to just use one finger instead of two on the buttons.

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