

Too early for a Halloween thread? BAH! This holiday sneaks up on me all the time so it's good to get a jump start.

Anyone dressing up? Anyone need help decided what to go as? I'm either going as Zach Galafanakis from The Hangover or a Zombie Hipster who's too cool to bite you and only drinks Vegan Blood.
I was going to a party, but my friend had to cancel it for one reason or another. So, unless I wind up having to take my oldest nephew trick-or-treating I'll likely be stuck at home again. Glamorous life of being 24...

The past couple of years I've thought that if I needed to dress up I would go as Shaggy from Scooby Doo. I could pull it off, and I already have a green t-shirt like that. Sadly though, I cut my hair 3-4 months ago and it is not long enough to pull the look off. Maybe next year, need to time my haircuts better. I could go as Fred...but you know, Fred is gay.
Going as a super gay Fred would be hilarious.

I'm probably not doing anything. I don't feel like going to clubs in Anchorage, and nobody is doing anything around here, so oh well. I do want to do a crazy-involved costume sometime before I'm too old though. Like wicked said, this holiday sneaks up on me and I never actually have anything planned. I don't want to go to cosplay lengths but it would be fun to spend a few months crafting a good costume. Dr. Doom, probably. Maybe once I have kids I'll be crafty dad.
I found all the fabric I need to make Phineas and Ferb costumes for my boys (my wife and I would be Candice and Baljeet and the baby could be Perry). I'm just trying to work up the motivation to buy and then make four shirts and three pairs of shorts and a skirt.

I was just planning on going as an Urkel-style nerd.
I think I'm going to do the costume I did last year.

Suit and tie
Bowler hat
Tea cup
Union Jack over the shoulder

And I shall be an Englishman.
Longo_2_guns said:
I think I'm going to do the costume I did last year.

Suit and tie
Bowler hat
Tea cup
Union Jack over the shoulder

And I shall be an Englishman.

I glanced over your costume parts and immediately thought of the droogs from Clockwork Orange.
Cut and sand some Lexan. You could find a small sheet at hardware stores or craft shops. Then use a 2" holesaw, etc.
I probably won't have a chance to do it this year, but for next I'm wanting to make a Zoidberg costume. Some red socks and sandals, couple of plastic claw hands, home-made face tentacles and some red body paint for my head oughta do it.
After being scary the past couple of years, my wife wants me to tone it down and go as a couple type of thing....So I;m thinking an undead gunslinger a la Undead Nightmare.

If that doesn't work, then Don Draper. It's really just an excuse to go shopping for a nice suit.

*turns off lights, plays video games and doesn't answer the door*

God I'm such a scrooge when it comes to the holidays....

I might also just go out to dinner and go see a movie on Halloween.
Lethean said:
After being scary the past couple of years, my wife wants me to tone it down and go as a couple type of thing.

How about Mr. and Mrs. Smith?
Im going as a mob boss from the 20's with the suit, hat, cane, and a nice big cigar just to make ensemble look better

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