Happy New Year...or Ugh is now a licensed driver

De-Ting said:
UrbanMasque said:
>organ donor

Not even once.
Everyone needs to be an organ donor.

I got an organ I'm willing to give you right now, guys.

Green_Lantern said:
I always figured the Rochester part was for Rochester New York?

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

So did I. Which made me terrified since Toronto is just a ferry ride across the lake from Rochester.

Did I say terrified? I meant... Ummm.....
Rochester, PA is my hometown. I live in Beaver right now. I'm not planning on driving to meet any of you. I don't even have a vehicle. At most, I would borrow my mom's car to drive to Pittsburgh for some events.
UghRochester said:
Well, I don't have a vehicle, so I can't road trip to your houses.

Craigslist is your friend! Link us to the cars youre thinking about getting. Also, maintaining a car can be a pain in the ass.
UrbanMasque said:
Also, maintaining a lemon can be a pain in the ass.


Oil changes and tire rotations aren't that big a deal. My Jilly (Jeep Cherokee) is 21 years old and still drives like a champ. Because in the 7 years I've had Jilly I've taken good care of her! There have been a few hiccups here and there which were expensive to fix but all in all I'd say I lucked out.
Places here in St Louis give steep discounts on oil changes. Check online in your area. You literally just drive your car into the garage and they do everything for you while you just chill inside your car. It's the American(costs money) Dream.
There's a lot of things you can do yourself. Some things however might be beyond your knowledge and control and you might need the services of a mechanic.

On Saturday night my car sadly had an issue with the transmission line and it didn't get replaced, but it got modified and repaired so it hopefully won't happen again, not least for a long time. Still, cost about a hundred and seventy bucks.
Master_Craig said:
On Saturday night my car sadly had an issue with the transmission line and it didn't get replaced, but it got modified and repaired so it hopefully won't happen again, not least for a long time. Still, cost about a hundred and seventy bucks.

jesus, to repair and not replace the line?! geeeezz.. Everyone here should spend the $80 to be a AAA member if you can.
They claimed replacing the line would be too expensive so repair and modification was apparently the better and cheaper alternative. Parts for modification were about twenty bucks or so, while they claim a new line would be like, two hundred.

I'm a member of AANT (which I suppose is like AAA) so... yeah. :/
Green_Lantern said:
StudioTan said:
UghRochester said:
Why would you pay to change oil when you can do it yourself?


Plus then you don't have to find somewhere to discard it....it's not like you can just put used oil in the trash can.

You can ditch any used oil outside of Walmart/Sam's attached jiffy lubes, just buy the oil there(pour it back into the empty bottle).
Yo Brows. Where can I get rid of all the used peanut oil I used to make hotwings? I have a little over 10 gallons of used oil in storage. Saving some of it for oil lamps in case of power outage in winter but I am running out of space for extra.

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