Hardest Boss


The hardest boss I ever had to face would probably be Death Egg from Sonic 2..easy now but hard for me then.
All the bosses in Ninja Gaiden! Hardest classic boss though has to be Ruby weapon from FF7. The ba*tard took me ages to kill.
anyone find metroid prime boss hard?! or jsut me heh?

i cant think of a classic boss! probs death egg aswell! i remember that being annoying just cos u when u died u had to start at metal sonic again before u got to the robot!
When I was younger, the hardest boss for me was one of the final bosses in Final Fantasy Legend 3, Aargon. He took me 4 months to finally overcome him, even with characters leveled to do so. I will never forget that one.

Contemporary, I got to say The End from MGS 3. One of the greatest boss battles ever as well, I thoroughly enjoyed that experience, and hated it at the same time.
Um, needleman in Mega man 3 with the buster cannon... nearly impossible without energy tanks

oh and evrae(sp?) from ffx
C'mon no one else has any more hard classic bosses? How about Bowser from Mario 3, lol what a joke that was.
^ I've come to realize that the classical forum is probably the one least posted in. Sad, yes, but making a topic in here and expecting a lot of replies is just a dream.

Anyhoo, most of my fave bosses are from Metal Slug. The floating brain was hard....
That is sad, these are your roots people! I really need to play more Metal Slug, damn good game.
It's not that classic, but the original Armored Core had a ton of 1 on 1 arenas to slug through, and the last bot in the final arena was the best fight I've ever had in a game.

Seriously, that zippy little bastard had me for almost two weeks until I beat him at his own game. Five-barrel shotgun hand FTW.

Other than that, I still think about Wily at the end of Mega Man 2 sometimes. Stupid bubbles.
jedi_guardian said:
Mizar from Jet Force Gemini.

I've not met one person who had that game, I agree, that was ridiculous. Hardest..Hm, There are a few I had trouble with. House of The Dead 2 final boss (Arcade) without spending tons of money. Everything in Battle Toads, lol.

ROBO-COP for the original Nintendo. Impossible game. IMPOSSIBLE. Well, difficult.
Today: Jinpachi in Tekken 5. It doesn't matter how good you are at T5, you have to use cheap tactics to down him.

Classic: Can't really think of any, probably Akuma in Super Street Fighter II Turbo. His first appearance, god mode.
this is a pretty good question. i would probably say that alma's first form on hard is the hardest bost i ever faught. took me months to beat her GRRRRR! :x
The Battletoads and Dragons had to fight some pretty hard bosses I do remember, Abobo no like intruders, I'm gunna beat you up!
I still havent beaten the last boss in Megaman X4, Sigma, and I've had that game for well over 5 years now. Of course, I haven't played the game in about 4 years, but when I was playing that game I could never beat it.
When I was seven, I got Metroid 2 for my gameboy, the end boss, the Metroid Queen, took me two years to finally beat.

I would always have my brother finish the game. :(
Oh man..

FF9.. Ark.. with all magic people.. the area where you CANT USE MAGIC..

....with corrupted cheat codes that makes everyone a HEALER..

that.... is near impossible XD

actually i think it is..

thank god i made another save before i went in there.

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