Has the crappy economy affected your spending habits?


I was going to either re-buy a 360 or buy a PS3. Or a blu-ray player or an iPhone. Buuuut the economy is in the pits right now and I've found myself saving instead of spending in case I lose my job and/or my OSAP (student loan) is cut off.

It kinda sucks because I really would like something new, especially since I borrowed the PS3 for MGS4 and gave it back recently.

And I don't want to hear any "mommy and daddy buys everything for me." You can kindly GTFO my internets and come back when you hit puberty :p :p :p
I'm paying my way through community college, pay for car insurance and gas. I have about 6 hours worth of driving Monday-Friday to get to school and my 2 jobs.

I've been on a tight budget for over a year now, so the sudden economical drop hasn't really affected me. In fact, it's helped. Thank God for lowered gas prices lol, though they seem to be rising again. Ah well.

I recently treated myself to my cell phone upgrade and got the LG Shine. It's really nice. Came with a 2GB SD card, so I'm using that as my music player in my car (no radio...literally) until I get a new iPod (lost my 1st one).
umm.. i spend about the same.. so no, the economy has not effected my spending habits. not for gaming anyway. if anything i go out with friends a whole lot less now and spend more time playing games. fun.
As far as spending games, it's been about the same. I pretty often go through stretches of buying lots of games followed by stretches of not buying games.
I just upgraded my PC, bought a new computer desk, got our car fixed, went out to dinner.

I should note I mainly listed those things not because we're rich or getting your busted ass 90 Honda Civic is anything to brag about but rather to show not everyone is hit by the economy. Rosa is a student and works at Lens Crafters - If anything her hours went up and she still gets a rather nice amount of financial aid.

I just can't wait until I can get a job here - Then if the economy happens to get a little worse off and we do suffer from it it won't be so bad.
No, it has not affected my spending habits. I have enough games I've bought over the years that I still haven't played. Like Lethean, I just upgraded my PC, so it's time to finally play Team Fortress 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2.

And I still have Animal Crossing: City Folk I'm playing and unopened copies of Metroid Prime 3, Trauma Center: New Blood, and Mass Effect to even open.

Besides, it's always a good idea to save ;)
No effect here either, I am paid by state for going to school.
My budget is the same.

I buy atleast a game pr. month :)
Next month, I'll be looked at Football Manager Live, and Empire Total War in March :)
I still enjoy buying the underrated DS game for $10-15 now and then, or GC game from $10 and under.
So I guess I'm not really affected by it with my cheap spending habits.
It hasnt... the Solar Industry is completely unaffected by the economic downturn.. we are actually hiring.
In fact many of the larger electronics manifacturers and dealers seem to be more damaged by the credit crunch than me as an individual; in result almost all of the stores where I do my gamegroceries give 15 or 20 per cent discounts. If anything, the crisis made me spend more money instead of less.
The economy? Maybe not, but being a poor as balls university student with almost $17,000 debt already may have stunted my ability to buy as many games as I used to. BARGAIN BIN AHOY!

On the upside, 99% of internet porn is free, so... yeah. Go team go.
Nope, still paying the price...except what's funny was the gas prices went down but the food prices at our McDonald's went up.
I was laid off last May, on Cinco De mayo actually (got really hammered) and was off work until last month in December. Some Canadian company bought the IP relay portion of Verizon i was working for. They broke the company down and sold it off as they saw fit, mostly to India and the Philippines.

Did 8 months of unemployment stop my spending? nope. I bought at least one new Game a month during that time, unemployment + severance package +school money = major vacation. Not to mention all the deals that everyone is tossing around trying to get people to spend.

Now that i have a job with the Campus police, I have job security out the wazoo. Law enforcement can't do layoffs, because as unemployment goes up, so too does crime.

And now that i'll be getting a few grand back on my tax return, I am so gonna spend some cash. Despite a recession, I have probably spent more this year than ever.

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