

I haven't heard anyone in the forums mention this and it's been talked about for awhile now. And it might be old news to some but the forums are slow so screw it. In case you live under a rock (it's cool, I like it under there too) the newest game to stir up controversy is a game where you.... You go around killing people. Take a look!

Warning, NSFW

I know we have GTA: V and blah blah blah but this trailer just made me feel gross. Not to mention the God awful voice acting and dialogue. The whole point of this game is to just kill as many innocent people as possible, that's it. Not to mention the fact I get a creepy vibe from this that hints at real life mass shootings. It's like the game wants to put you in the shoes of one of the Columbine killers.

I mean come on, you just can't go around killing people!

What do you mean why? Cause you can't!

So is it hypocritical of me to hate... Hatred? Or do any of you agree that it's a stupid game and disrespectful to the victims and their familes of mass shootings such as Columbine, Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook.
It is hypocritical of you to dislike the game on this premise. We CANNOT start banning games based on their content, because it would be the equivalent of book burning. In short, I'm in favor of ANY idea that makes free speech seem like a bad idea. Is it a tasteless game, yes - but so are a lot of games. Unless there is a scene in the game where he walks into Sandy Hook elementary or VTech and starts laying waste - I dont think there is an issue here. This game looks actually really well done, and I think the voice acting fits the style of the game perfectly. The gameplay reminds me of Lara Craft and the Guardian of light a bit.

I'm interested in the game and might watch some streams, but purchasing it - mmmm... nah, and I encourage you all to do the same. Don like it - dont buy it. I think people are reacting negatively to this game because for years people have been trying to link video games with violence and this seems to give that argument credibility.

NSFW? Why - there is no nudity and its a video game.

You can't be all blah blah blah about GTA then wag your finger at Hatred. I support the creation of this game and hope the studio sees success. The black and white with Sin City type color selection. Blood splatter on screen.

Why shouldn't they make this game?
Why wouldn't you play this game?
I've never liked stuff that is done for pure shock value but there will always be an audience for it. We've been around long enough to hear the same arguments come up over and over. Mortal Komabt, Manhunt, Postal, now this game.

I find it strange that games seem to get much greater scrutiny in the media than movies and I've long wondered if there was some ulterior motive to it or if was just being sensationalistic just to get more viewers.

I see it as a parallel with movies. Slasher flicks go back a long ways and they have to keep upping the ante to still be able to shock people because we have seen so much already. Look at the progression of the level of detail and violence and gore and compare it to Hollywood. Start with Psycho and then all the grindhouse films of the 70's, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and look what we have now with films like Saw and Hostel which to me is nothing more than torture porn.

They do absolutely nothing for me personally. I don't watch those films, or play those games (aside from Mortal Kombat. Who hasn't played at least one of them?) but I draw a hard line at saying something should not exist because I don't like it.

I think it is a problem now that when people don't like something, they don't turn it off, they try to have it removed from existence out of some misguided attempt to "protect" people or morals or something.

But, to go off the deep end for a moment, people have been killing each other since they figured out how to hit one another over the head with a big rock or stab each other with pointy sticks. Humans are a violent species (like most others on the planet) and I think violence will always be part of us. Better to have it played out on a screen than in real life.

I've heard it argued that internet porn has kept a lot of would be sex offenders from doing just that. I've also heard that games like this make kids go out and commit violence, but what if the opposite were true and that a game like this kept a kid from going out and hurting someone.

A lot of what-ifs one way or the other, but I guess to get back on topic, the world is a big place and there is room for nice things and pretty things and bad things and ugly things and we are lucky enough is most cases to pick and choose which of those things we want to experience.
I wont buy it but its destructibility looks interesting.

I enjoyed the postal games but this seems less satire.
Sourdeez said:
I wont buy it but its destructibilty looks interesting.

I enjoyed the postal games but this seems less satire.
The original Postal was played 100% straight. Only Postal 2 was satire.

That said, I agree for the most part with what has been said. I won't buy it, but truthfully I'm glad it exists. We need something like this to keep pushing the boundaries.
I'm not gonna lie, the game play does look interesting (the sorta Diablo-esque camera angle, the movement, shooting etc) but in saying that, I personally don't like what the game is about.

I don't like the idea of a game about a psycho running around with weapons committing mass murder on the innocent. Like WickedLiquid, I felt bit disturbed watching that trailer.

At the end of the day though, I don't think the game should be banned. As UrbanMasque already said if we start banning games because of content, it's like book burning. This game is obviously controversial and the developers have made it controversial on purpose, because everyone's talking about it.

I'm not gonna buy/play it, but I'm not going to complain about other people wanting to buy and play it. It's already been said but if you don't like the look of it, don't get it, so I won't, and I'm not gonna judge or criticize anyone who wants to play it (unless they're under age).
The gameplay looks fun. But it is quite a disgusting way to go about it. It's like they went "Hey, remember that horrific shooting at Virginia Tech?"
"Yeah...it was sad and a terrible experience for those involved"

When he nestled that gun into that woman's mouth and shot...I...I became overcome...with hate...

I HATE this world of HATRED...and all the PEOPLE who don't HATE it!!!


But yeah, don't ban it. However, it shouldn't have been allowed in the first place. I understand it's similar to games out there already (GTA etc), but it's way too similar to real life experiences, and that's obviously why it's not agreed by some. A bit of an insensitive move!
UrbanMasque said:
NSFW? Why - there is no nudity and its a video game.

The dialogue is NSFW. I know round here we say fuck, shit, cunt. But you're reading it alone to yourself.

And I agree it shouldn't be banned. I think the last game that was banned was Nighttrap on Sega CD which is pretty hilarious if you know the game. And yes I played Manhunt and loved the stealth. I just wanna liven general up a bit.

The truth is it does make me hypocritical to hate this, but I kinda like that because it reminds me that I'm not desensitized to video game violence. Although it's not the violence that disturbs me as much as the goth metal-head protagonist in the trench coat who probably listens to Marilyn Manson.

I mean what if there was a game where you play a hijacker and the object of the game is to drive a plane into a building? Too soon? Should we ban a game like that? I would say no but I would still find it offensive.
I think they have the right to make a game like this but publishing companies and market places should have the right to not allow it to be sold in their stores. I read that it was removed from Steam's Greenlight service, only to have returned along with an apology to the developers.

I don't understand need to keep pushing boundaries with detailing violence and gore. It's much more interesting to show less and let the audience's imagination do the work. As far as technology for movies and games has advanced, it will never match the capability of the imagination. I feel older media on average had more innovative presentation because of the limitations of the time.

I can't see why anyone would feel compelled to explore this avenue; morbid curiosity, perhaps. It also makes me wonder why someone pursuing a career in media entertainment would put their name on a project like this. Would you put Hatred on your resume? I wonder if some will use pseudonyms like filmmakers do when they make horrible movies.
But for the sake of argument GL where do you draw the line? Do you even draw a line? Does a game like this fuel all the Jack Thompson's of the world to begin another crusade on video games because they're all murder simulators?

The game is getting an AO rating which is rare these days. At least we can all agree the rating system for games is a good thing. With an AO rating it won't be sold in stores and consoles won't want to touch it.
It is the same line that feminists keep asking for with rape jokes. "Where do you draw the line?"

Sure it may be in bad taste but the line is drawn between Fantasy and Reality.
Green_Lantern said:
Man, y'all are a bunch of prudes. It's just a video game...


Yeah, I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with this incredibly profound and insightful statement that adds just so much to the discussion.

It's not just a video game. If it was just a video game no one would be talking about it. It's an extremely graphic and violent game even by the standards of other graphic and violent games and it has people discussing if a game like this even needs to be made and why.

But yes, by all means lets just resolve all future conversations with
"Who cares, it's just _________"

I mean, these forums are already far too exciting as it is. Why clutter it up with all these useless words when you can sum everything up in half a sentence.
I also wanted to touch on something you said C Nate but forgot to.

C_nate said:
I find it strange that games seem to get much greater scrutiny in the media than movies and I've long wondered if there was some ulterior motive to it or if was just being sensationalistic just to get more viewers

As far as I can tell, the difference is video games are a far more immersive medium. In a Scorsese film such as Goodfellas or Taxi Driver you are just an observer with no control over how the story unfolds. Video games on the other hands gives you all the control and requires you to actively progress through the story or mission. Therefore people are more sensitive to games than movies.

I do think it's silly though, because if GTA V was a film it would be like any other Scorsese masterpiece. And I think there are a lot of people who don't play video games and just don't understand that the average age of a gamer these days is 35. There is a huuuuge demographic of gamers over the age of 18 who can handle mature content and people who bitch about violence always play the won't-someone-think-of-the-children card. So there are also people who still see games as a children's leisure activity and therefore are against violent games but not movies. Such BS.

When and if I ever have kids they'll be playing Nintendo. If they have another console I will do my job as a parent to ensure the games they play are either rated E for everyone or maybe T for Teen depending on the game.
WickedLiquid said:
But for the sake of argument GL where do you draw the line? Do you even draw a line? Does a game like this fuel all the Jack Thompson's of the world to begin another crusade on video games because they're all murder simulators?
Interestingly enough, people are trying to do just that with this game. Although it's no longer the Jack Thompson's, it's the press itself. Shit, it was only a few months ago that stores in Australia were pressured to not sell GTA V because it has violence against women.

As far as who would make this game, it's Polish. Right now the only one who has any will to be risky with content is the Eastern Europeans, because they don't give no fucks.

And personally, I don't think media should have a "do not cross" line. Sure, people can have lines, but the problem with trying to make a line for media is there is always going to be someone with a line closer. So you have to move the line up to accommodate them, rather than simply telling them not to partake in it.

Also, I don't think this game is really that terrible. From what I've seen in the trailers and what has been released, it doesn't really seem pro-mass murder in the sense that it's not meant to make you feel good. It's not bright and colorful, people react to what your doing tragically, etc. It's not like Hotline Miami, where it's all bright and colorful, or Grand Theft Auto with it's bright and humorous rampages. It's fucking frightening, and most everyone, even the developers are forward with the fact that you are the Bad Guy. As far as it's relation to real events goes, yeah, it sucks, but that's no reason to go "don't do that." It's like the people who complained about the rape stuff in Metal Gear Solid or Fallout, it's tragic that that stuff happens, but putting a ban on content related to it isn't going to make it stop happening, and having content with it isn't going to make it happen more often.

Because at the end of the day, it's just a video game. It's not real. None of the people in the game actually died because they aren't real. And the million people who play the game aren't going to kill anyone because of it, like so many dark, gritty, evil games before it.
I think it's just a shitty game that is only trying to make a name for itself by being controversial. The developers want people to talk about it and you all took the bait, congrats.

You keep bringing up GTA V Wicked but I thought that game crossed the line too. I was disgusted when Trevor tortures a guy in a mission you cannot skip.. Maybe I'm just old and a giant pussy, probably, but when I signed up for mayhem and loaded GTA V I wasn't signing up for that.

I won't buy it, and I hope it bombs. Best case scenario this game comes out and is forgotten shortly after the controversy settles down. Also besides the fact the Columbine shooters wore trenchcoats I don't really see a correlation with real life mass shootings. I just think it's a senseless game that was only made to shock. This kind of shock value is lazy and at least a game like GTA V has a plethora of activities to do and sights to see other than just shock shock shock.
Yeah Trevor was a nasty fellow and that mission made me feel uncomfortable. Like I said about the trailer for this game though, I'm glad that GTA mission disturbed me, because it just goes to show after all the blood and gore I've seen pixilated in video games I haven't become desensitized to it.

Although I think this is mostly due to the fact that video games today look incredible. Even before GTA V was remastered it looked amazing. Going back to Mortal Kombat 2, I don't remember ever being disturbed at all. I just thought all the fatalities were awesome. It could be because while those graphics were state of the art at the time, they still weren't real enough to get a reaction out of me like this Hatred trailer.
The way I look at it, it's not the pixels that disturb you. In the same way that the Trevor's scene's grotesqueness wasn't what really disturbed you. It's the fact that no one really cares about Sonya Blade or Kano, nobody cares about hundreds of Evil Dead zombies getting their heads popped like balloons.

We do however care about ourselves. And when it gets increasingly easier to insert yourself into a game and it's realistic setting whether as the protagonist or the NPC, we start to feel squeamish. I mean, Trevor could exist out there. Because the scarier truth is, there are probably a lot of Trevors out there. It's the reality of it and the fact that the character is more grounded than a cartoony caricature.

It's the same reason that a lot of people truly feared Ledger's Joker. He was creepy and a little more real. And the violence he inflicted was something that could happen.

No one I knew was afraid of Nicholson's Joker and that dude fried a guy with a weaponized hand buzzer.

Why? Because there are people out there just as crazy as Ledger's Joker or Trevor. They are more grounded and realistic and easy for some crazy person to emulate.

I watched it, it looks like it has interesting gameplay and all but no thanks.

...waiting for that GR Review... ;)

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