Hey Everyone


Well...looks like this place is even deader than the last time I was here.

Oh well...how's it been? Any old people still here?
This place is pretty dead I'm afraid. Come back in 8 hrs and I'm sure you'll get some wb posts.

Duke has left, so everyone else is "leaving"...
Jokers back. Welcome back.

It's getting.....bad here honestly. Duke has left the company (in what is assumed to be a very negative firing) and a lot of posters are beginning to slowly move out :(.

It's a shame too, because of the awesomeness of the boards here. I think it is high time we embrace some new brothers and old friends to keep this going as long as we can.
I know!

Don't let it get you down though...at least the Longhorns now play in a Division I-AA level conference.
LinksOcarina said:

It's been kinda...devastating lately....like the town of Armadillo in Red Dead Redemption.

I feel like the only gamer on the planet who hasn't played that.

WB Joker
hey joker. a few of us old timers still putt around here. i tend to stick exclusively to my comic book movie page though. in any case, welcome back.
used44 said:
MGS, what up

Hey man, been a very, very long time.

I cant believe how dead this place has become. I come back expecting to see all the old familiar posters, but no, only a few.

However, with how dead this place has become perhaps this can lead to the recreation of that small, close community that GR was many years ago. Which is what kept so many of us on these boards back then.

We shall see, but for now, I am back. Glad to see you are still here used, and wb to you joker!

Also, wtf is this Crave crap? This is shit is more annoying than bolt!

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