Hey Everyone

MGS, meet Crave, our corporate overlords. They are like every evil, greedy corporation in all of those proto-punk sci-fi movies...only not from the future.
I_Hate_MGS said:
Also, wtf is this Crave crap? This is s*** is more annoying than bolt!
Crave is much, MUCH worse than Bolt. Bolt make a few slight changes here and there, but that was about it. Crave has done EVERYTHING it can to get as much ad revenue as possible. More ads and bigger ads on the main page, ads at the bottom of reviews, ads IN the reviews, those annoying ads that highlight certain words and then bring up searches related to those words, fullscreen ads, loud ads, spam ads, background ads. You name it, they made ads for it. They even made the switch from black to the annoying white you see now because "it was better for the ad revenue."

It's sad to see, but GR is a shell of its former self.
Longo_2_guns said:
those annoying ads that highlight certain words and then bring up searches related to those words

Oh good, I thought it was some type of adware on my computer as a result of visiting too many naughty websites.
As long as we can get plenty of old posters back, and a few new decent guys, then I think its much better this way. A small tight-knit core, with meaningful posts, and no flaming. We can get some energy pumping back in to these forums.
TheUnknown said:
As long as we can get plenty of old posters back, and a few new decent guys, then I think its much better this way. A small tight-knit core, with meaningful posts, and no flaming. We can get some energy pumping back in to these forums.


I used to go by the name Flying_Chunky_Monkey. Good to see you again!

I did not know about this Duke thing. I am not the attentive poster I used to be...
UrbanMasque said:
Is there anything WE can do - to get rid of crave (aside from shutting down the forum)?

Well, I think they are located in Cali, or at least the west coast, like most evil tech corps.

Force your way in with your football team and play a pickup game, tear the place up.
I dunno, making a lot of noise. Removing our GR community presence and hits while knowingly existing and donating 'it' to another site. I doubt much of it will reach their ears and much less their pocketbooks.

Mostly, as annoying as all this Crave stuff is, I'd hate my actions to negatively affect stand-up guys like Nick, Blake and the rest.
Having worked for the company that owns Crave (that would Gorilla Nation), I can tell you there is nothing you can do, just as there was nothing Duke could do.

Gorilla Nation owns more websites than anyone as well as controls the ads on these sites. How big are they? They control starwars.com's ads http://starwars.com/privacy/index_a.html. They also own Crave who bought out GR.

And here's how it works

Duke: Wants a game review site
Crave: Wants to make money off of ads from said game review site
Gorilla: Wants to make money off of ads from the Crave network and selling more ads.

Gorilla probably said "Crave, you need to make more money," so the corporate tools at Crave said "Ok, we'll make ads bigger so that you are forced to click on them. At this poiint Duke probably said "I'm not butchering my site any further. There are enough ads!" The reply was probably along the lines of "If you don't like the direction we are taking, you can leave. Oh, by the way, you signed a non-compete so you can't make a new video game review site."

So what can you do?
-Stay and not click on ads, which doesn't generate revenue to the site, which angers the corporate overlords.
-Leave, which doesn't generate revenue and also shows a decrease in traffic to the site, which angers the corporate overlords.
-Stay and click the ads, which will appease the corporate overlords for about a week, and then they'll want more clicks and will inundate us with even more pervasive ads.

Ultimately the GR community doesn't factor into the corporate scheme. We come to the site directly and don't click ads. We generate no revenue for the site. We do generate original content, but that will lead to ads being placed in between forum posts (expect this sometime in the future). If we leave, we just equal a lower direct visits count.
Trippy said:
Ultimately the GR community doesn't factor into the corporate scheme. We come to the site directly and don't click ads. We generate no revenue for the site. We do generate original content, but that will lead to ads being placed in between forum posts (expect this sometime in the future). If we leave, we just equal a lower direct visits count.

Yay, I generate little value! I love the mechanics of internet commerce (ads, traffic, etc.).

I guess the only GR members (read: traitors) helping the Crave/Gorilla Nation warmachine are people who write reviews and get featured in Vox Pop. ;)
Bretimus_v2 said:
Trippy said:
Ultimately the GR community doesn't factor into the corporate scheme. We come to the site directly and don't click ads. We generate no revenue for the site. We do generate original content, but that will lead to ads being placed in between forum posts (expect this sometime in the future). If we leave, we just equal a lower direct visits count.

Yay, I generate little value! I love the mechanics of internet commerce (ads, traffic, etc.).

I guess the only GR members (read: traitors) helping the Crave/Gorilla Nation warmachine are people who write reviews and get featured in Vox Pop. ;)

Fuck, i'm head scab.....

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