I challenge you to pour a bucket of ice over your head

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C_nate said:
I'll take being a cynical asshole over being a smug douche any day.

Meh, it's just a little internet phase. They happen. No need to get so worked up people!

Money went to charity, celebrities making idiots of themselves - it's all good to me.
MattAY said:
Meh, it's just a little internet phase. They happen. No need to get so worked up people!

Money went to charity, celebrities making idiots of themselves - it's all good to me.
This and I know many of you are waiting for me to get nominated for this. There are a couple versions of this. One version is doing this, because they chose that instead of donating. And the other version is you have to do this and donate $10 or else donate $100. I would be doing the donation version, because would be a waste of fresh water if otherwise. Technically, it's not a waste of water, but a waste of all the chemicals to make that water safe to drink. Water is everywhere, yo.

Also, if I did this, I would actually stir the ice and water before dumping it on me. All these people puts ice in the water and just dump it on them. That's for pansies. Ever tried drinking water right after you put ice in it? Not cold at all. Stirring the ice in the water makes it much colder, yet nobody does that in the videos.
What's to the left of California? I'm sorry for Longo affected by this, but no canal or any type of water system to provide streams of water?
Wes said:
intoTheRain said:
Nothing bad came out of the ice bucket challenge. Only good. You are negative about absolutely everything, I don't think I've seen a post where you aren't being a jerk toward someone or something. So that would explain your negative opinion on the Ice Bucket Challenge.

As for what ALS stands for, no, I didn't know. I could have Google'd it and pretended I did. But what I do know is that ALS is Lou Gehrig's disease, which no doubt is what the majority of the population knows it by. I also know how detrimental it is, and what the symptoms are.

First of all, take this.

I'm only negative against things that are retarded. Calling out three random names and dumping ice over your head is not spreading awareness, all it proves is you have arms and can use them to do something silly.

First of all, thanks for proving my point.

Second of all, let's analyze your original post. The same can be said for every post you've made in this thread.

Wes said:
Ok now back to reality. The ice bucket challenge is a narcissistic publicity stunt performed mostly by people who are donating because they have been forced to. It has less to do with ALS and more to do with this stupid challenge, as the dollars donated have proven.

The donation was explained perfectly when it began but because a few celebrities don't know how to read it has become a game of broken telephone and is now just a big annoyance that has caused a bunch of bandwagon jumpers.

What I see, is a lot of butt hurt and negativity. You're apparently irritated by the fact that this Ice Bucket Challenge isn't really focusing on ALS. But yet, in your posts, all you do is complain, be negative, and neglect to inform. So instead of pouring a bucket of ice water over your head, having a good laugh, and not doing much else. You've instead spread some negativity, the cancer of the internet, and not much else.

Maybe try something like this in the future..

"Hey guys, I just wanted to get something that's been bothering me out there!

Lately this Ice Bucket Challenge has been taking over the internet. While I realize it's raised millions of dollars for ALS research, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), for those that didn't know. And has been a great source of fun for many people, I feel the purpose of the whole challenge has been lost along the way.

The purpose of the Ice Bucket Challenge is to raise awareness for, and increase donations for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis research! ALS is a terrible neurodegenerative disease with no known cure. Symptoms are horrible, starting with weakness in muscles, difficulty swallowing, and cramping. Eventually causing a complete inability to swallow, breathe, etc. Most often leading to respiratory failure. Only 4% of patients diagnosed with ALS will be alive 10 years after diagnosis.

So go ahead and dump a bucket of ice over your head, but don't forget to spread some information, and donate a little money as well!


The Wonderful Wes

See. That's just so much more productive. And also doesn't make you seem like every other cynical internet user.


Lethean said:

Honestly Rain, you're a fucking child. You complain how I'm negative yet you're the one who turned this personally by taking my opinion and turning it into "why Wes is an asshole."

Your post was the most condescending shit I've read on these forums. You're like Icepick mixed with Madster mixed with a women with severe PMS. Oh sorry, am I getting to personal? It's called looking in a mirror.

Now please continue to suck some more Hollywood dick, as I'm sure they care oh so much that you support them for giving 1% of their weekly cheque to a charity they know nothing about.
Wes said:
Honestly Rain, you're a fucking child. You complain how I'm negative yet you're the one who turned this personally by taking my opinion and turning it into "why Wes is an asshole."
Your post was the most condescending shit I've read on these forums. You're like Icepick mixed with Madster mixed with a women with severe PMS. Oh sorry, am I getting to personal? It's called looking in a mirror.
Now please continue to suck some more Hollywood dick, as I'm sure they care oh so much that you support them for giving 1% of their weekly cheque to a charity they know nothing about.

Steve-O and UghRochester are the voices of reason.

In other news Obama is a white man today and Paris Hilton just scored 145 on her IQ test.
Wes said:
Honestly Rain, you're a fucking child. You complain how I'm negative yet you're the one who turned this personally by taking my opinion and turning it into "why Wes is an asshole."

Your post was the most condescending shit I've read on these forums. You're like Icepick mixed with Madster mixed with a women with severe PMS. Oh sorry, am I getting to personal? It's called looking in a mirror.

Now please continue to suck some more Hollywood dick, as I'm sure they care oh so much that you support them for giving 1% of their weekly cheque to a charity they know nothing about.


edit: Also well done Ugh.
intoTheRain said:
Wes said:
Honestly Rain, you're a fucking child. You complain how I'm negative yet you're the one who turned this personally by taking my opinion and turning it into "why Wes is an asshole."

Your post was the most condescending shit I've read on these forums. You're like Icepick mixed with Madster mixed with a women with severe PMS. Oh sorry, am I getting to personal? It's called looking in a mirror.

Now please continue to suck some more Hollywood dick, as I'm sure they care oh so much that you support them for giving 1% of their weekly cheque to a charity they know nothing about.



Intotherain tries to have a debate.

Resorts to personal attacks and Nelson's laugh. Real mature fuckin troll.
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