I want to go vegeterian...but i can't!

Do you think people should become vegeterians?

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I tried to be vegeterian but it only lasted two days. Why? Because I love meat! I loved animals from the rime when i was a small child but i can't stop eating them. Its like a drug to me. Do you guys know a way to stop this?
The 'I love meat and love animals thing'. Just eat meat and love animals. Eating chicken shows you love it.
You go vegetarian and I'll eat two steaks for every one you don't eat. WHY would you want to be a vegetarian? :roll:
Vegetarianism is healthy and all but nothing beats the taste of meat. Don't you say that soy meat stuff because it never tastes right and is normally way too salty. I eat vegetarian for a little bit when I visit my parents because my sister is lame like that, but I still make sure I get to eat meat every day.

For every steak you don't eat I'll kill a farm
schimmel said:
Vegetarianism is healthy and all but nothing beats the taste of meat. Don't you say that soy meat stuff because it never tastes right and is normally way too salty. I eat vegetarian for a little bit when I visit my parents because my sister is lame like that, but I still make sure I get to eat meat every day.

For every steak you don't eat I'll kill a farm

I don't get why people think it's healthy. I think people today eat TOO much meat, but not getting any meat at all is far from healthy. There is a balance that needs to be met. Personally I don't feel like a meal is a meal without something that came from an animal...
Just do like i do: I always make sure that the animal is dead before i eat it.

Oh an into a rain, the protein, that's mainly found in meat, can also be found in other food as well. Meat is not always required but it sure is tasty!

Sometimes, i eat tofu AND meat. take that Peta!
As long as you find a good protein source other than meat, then there's no problems with it at all. I respect it. Although, 2 days haha! Dude, u suck! :p
yeah actually, now that MAttay said it, I was doing a vegan diet for 2 month for my girlfriend. I stood by her until she changed her mind (thank good). I couldn't even eat eggs!

And you only did this for 2 days. Cheesh! I double dog dare you to beat my record!
We're omnivores so giving up eating meat is definitely illogical. Plus, if you don't eat meat, you have to take pills to make up for lost supplements. Who the hell would rather swallow a pill than take a bite into a tender steak?
We're not true omnivores in my opinion, though this is a decisive issue. We have long intestines, pretty flat teeth, and we need to cook meat to consume it(in general). I gave up meat around christmas because of that, and because of my disgust with it, and my disgust with modern farming methods. I still eat fish, eggs and dairy products though, and I'd find it very hard to quit those.

In answer to your question however, no, I believe that this is a personal choice issue, and I would never say to somebody 'hey, you meat-eating luddite, stop it!'. That's just annoying.
The human ability to consume cooked meat is helpful evolutionarily speaking. I don't think we'd have been successful on earth as a species if we couldn't adapt to different foods. But hey, think of it this way, vegetarian girls will dig you more if you don't eat meat, and in general I find that vegetarian girls are not fat, don't have spots and are less greasy. This is of course from my personal experience alone.
Something that has always bothered me: how can a vegetarian walk by a barbecue restaurant and now have their mouth water.
monkeygoat said:
But hey, think of it this way, vegetarian girls will dig you more if you don't eat meat, and in general I find that vegetarian girls are not fat, don't have spots and are less greasy. This is of course from my personal experience alone.

Yeah, but veg girls don't shave...

Anyway, ever seen the fat veg girls? Not a pretty sight...
Trippysmurf said:
Something that has always bothered me: how can a vegetarian walk by a barbecue restaurant and now have their mouth water.

For real... can't think of a veg place that made my mouth water.
I work at McDonald's and i'm a vegetar...hahah couldn't type that with a straight text
The reason why we cook meat or any food is to make it taste and look more appealing, and to lower the harmful bacteria that's covering the food.

I say if you're eatting meat, you're at risk with health factors
if you're a vegetarian, there's still a risk of health factors
So it's just a choice of what a person likes and dislikes in their own opinion.
its a phase...
eventually people fall off the wagon - its all BS. As NESMAN pointed out, its not how we were meant to live. we were eating meat b4 we were farming (except with the occasional berries)
the only people who stick with it are the nutjobs.

I was tempted to try the veg lifestyle, for a woman of all things, ( NorCal *sigh* ) ... but i decided i'd rather give her up than meat.

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