Ice Day!


Today is an ice day! The roads are a skating rink here in Iowa, and I'm not taking the chance of another car bodychecking me into a ditch on the way to work.

So! I am staying home and playing Super Mario Galaxy and bit.trip BEAT today.

What are you doing?!
Hah! Work! ..but I'm not too pumped about making the time up, albeit I put in an extra 2.5 hours yesterday.
It's raining like crazy here in the bay area... Windy like F*** too... Man, i don't want to go to work...
There's a crazy storm floating over all of California, so we got a lot of rain and whatnot here.

But today I'm driving down to Pasadena. Hopefully the road isn't closed due to snow.
We've had some snow here. Unfortunately I'm having what I call a bad eye day! My eyes are fuzzy and i am struggling to focus, so I cannot do my research based law work. Instead, I watched the ultimate cut of watchmen...perhaps the normal cut would have been less tiring. It was really long!

Right now I'm having a cup of redbush tea and wondering what to do with the afternoon! I'd like to carry on reading, but the eye fuzziness is kind of prohibitive. I suppose i'll keep checking for confirmation emails about my big book order's compartmentalised dispatch!
Asshole with the day off. I get to go to school for six hours. That wouldn't be too bad, bt it's my first night off in four days and I have to go to school
Well, i'm about to go out for work but i decided to quickly post what i just saw: A huge gust of wind made the two garbage cans in front of my apartment fly for a couple of meters right in front of me...'s gonna be a good day
I've been laid off for a couple weeks, so I will probably play MW2 for like 4 or 5 hours...then masturbate and cry myself to sleep.
^ at least you have lubricant.

England is just cold...but not cold enough to make anything exciting, just cold enough so your hands become numb.
It's cold here in Pennsylvania, the snow melted and it rain. In Erie a couple weeks ago I was able to jump through a foot of snow.
I'm freezing my ass off here. Granted, it's 45 degrees out, but still. Plus it's finals, which is absolutely kicking my ass ATM. Not a good week.
So guess what? I got to the Grapevine on I-5 and it was fucking snowing. So we manage to get through, and right after I get a call saying that it was closed, so we were pretty much the last people through. But what this means is that we can't get back through that way. So we have to detour up the coast and then shoot back over.

The trip back took 6 and a half hours. It usually only takes 4.

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