In memory....*sniff*.. of your first post....*sniff* *sniff*


miak757 said:
Were you one of the first people who buyed/rented the iron man game and hated it???? not worth 50 bucks... :(


(Well, you get the jist here, just post your first post, and then comment about it.)

EDIT: the funny thing is is that I actually liked that game, got almost all of the achievements, got all the armor, etc. Major irony there.
Okayyy... here we go...

schimmel said:
I just read the article called "Mortal Kombat named in teen killing of 7 year-old girl." I am completely fed up with people finding outs to blame absolutely anything other than themselves for sheer brutish stupidity. The public needs to know that although there is violence in videogames there is no link between that and real life violence. An unnamed witness to this slaying said that they thought Mortal Kombat was the influence in this slaying, but as one of the murderers said "...I was drunk..." That quote alone should prove to you why the teen did it. He was drunk. I'm not saying that drinking is bad -- far from it, but it does impair one's ability to think and make rational decisions such as whether to beat the hell out of your sister or not. Any semi-intelligent person, even when drunk, wouldn't even let that thought come into their head, however I believe that there are IQs which are factors for these teens. I do not believe that these two teens were very smart to begin with, the article says that they were babysitting this young man's little sister and they decided to get drunk? I must question their intelligence at that point, and when drunk a person becomes less and less intelligent, a mind normally recesses in age mentally the more a person drinks. These people were not very smart to begin with and as they got drunker and drunker they just lost intelligence to the point that it sounds like a good idea to beat someone, and not anyone, one of their little sisters up. A game is NOT responsible, the people who killed the girl are. Games provide an escape from reality and that is it, and the phrase 'escape from reality' is used because they are not real. People who cannot distinguish the difference have many problems ahead of them. I know this sounds like an out-of-order rant, but it makes me angry when people blame games and I hope more than just I can find sense in the writing.

WALL OF TEXT!!!!!!!!!

Not only was that my first post, that was also my first topc. It was created a year or so before I really began posting here. Weird stuff...
Hlallu said:
This forum made me finally make an account.
Because nothing makes me want to interact more than granny sex.


I believe this was the post about Ughs drunken douchebaggery.
MattAY said:
The hardest question that may ever be asked in gaming life...

(If there's one i've missed please tell)

...on the poll topic of, "who is the best nintendo character of all time".

...............My first post fucking sucked.
How did you get to that MAttay? I look on the Member list, then go to my profile and it says nothing exists past the first page... although it shows 419 pages?
HK-47 said:
when i was 6, i played Sonic the Hedgehog 3 on the Genesis

In the "Your First Experience" thread.
It's the farthest I can get.
God my grammar sucked...
I clicked on my name just here <--- and it took me to my GR profile (not the forum one). IT says your total post count on there somewhere, then underneath there's a link that says, "Find all posts" or something like that.

Go to the last page... and that's your first post.
Dont know if it'll work for you since you started before beta? So you may just find your first beta post.
My first post is non-existent too. The thread probably got deleted for some reason.

De-Ting said:
Happened to me recently too. On right-hand settings, strumming up means strumming down and vice versa.

Maybe the game passed its best by date?
There's my second post. Haha...I'm so funny.
StalfrosCC said:
Miak, I've been around longer than the earth. Look at my post count.

You. Tell. Me.

Major forum change that deleted all of the posts?

You don't have to be a dick about it, I was just curious about a little GR history :/
Schim was able to find this for me:

StalfrosCC said:
Not so sure about that Shane. After Moderator status is set back up your post will be removed and your account will be deleted.

Yeah, that sounds about right.
Rakon said:
All clones are slightly different then their counterparts. Captain Falcon (who is definately the most overpowered in the original, being the fastest AND strongest) is fast and relatively weak, compared to his massive and far too powerful, slow moving clone Ganondorf. Marth is faster than Roy, while Roy is stronger and has fire damage. Also, Roy's counter lasts for less time than Marth's, and Marth remains idle for less time. Dr. Mario is strong, While Mario is faster. Luigi is sort of a mix. Falco is stronger, slower, and jumps higher than fox. Falco's gun is Fox's from the original.

As for my best characters, it goes:

In the original:
Captain Falcon

Smash Bros. Melee!!
I don't remember it exactly, but I do know that my first few posts were me creating topics on my favorite games at the time of my profile creation, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (which, as you can plainly see, the effects of that love have stuck with me to this day) and Worms World Party.

My first posts sucked.

My first one on the new boards:

Longo_2_guns said:
melins_901 said:
since we can all choose our own avatars?
what, we can! My god, its a GR Miracle!

Eh, could be worse.
First post ever...

Ive had debates with friends of mine over who will be on top again, and it all depends on a few factors...

1. PS3's use of the Blu-Ray Disks.

2. the boomerang controller they made which can fit in the palm of my hand.

3. Nintdendo's third party support and controller use.

If the Blu-Ray disks become popular, then PS3 will most likely survive. Just because they are using it for the PS3 doesn't automatically mean that Blu-Ray is better than traditional disks, or the kind used on the Cube. Besids, there are holographic disks in development, something that Nintendo and Microsoft have their eyes on, and they are stronger than Blu-Rays.

Now that damn controller needs to be revamped,and I believe Sony is doing so, sort of. I don't know what they plan to do, but it looks horrible and doesn't look like it will play well.

Now to the main problem. With the revolution controller out now, 3rd party support has been stronger than recent years. A lot of developers are going to Nintendo, praising them and developing games for them. Specific teams. The problem it poses is that none of the mainstream developers, EA for example, would care about how this is implemented, and make a shoddy attempt like they do every year with the 50 sport games they make for the cube because they have to. Hideo Kojamas team from Metal Gear Ac!d is making a game for the revolution, as are various teams from Capon, Sega, Atari, Namco, and Square Enix. So there is hope, as the support is coming back.

So for me, I say it has a shot at being real big, but it is going to be a fight to get up there.

I feel proud of this post now...
No idea, I guess they just took my advice as to how shitty it was.

In memory of it...

They realized it was a bad idea and went with the classic dualshock controller instead.

Man, remember when the Revolution looked like it was going to be so awesome, and not just be a bunch of shitty shovelware, bad wagglin and cash in games?

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