It's tax season!


Yeah. That lame time of year when you're at the mercy of your company to mail you out stupid forms or post them online just so you can hope to get money back from the government.

I'm about to do our taxes right now, likely using Turbo Tax but I was wondering, how do most of you do your taxes? Do you do them yourselves? If so, what program do you use? Perhaps you use a CPA? Or H&R Block?

We have a C.P.A who banks with us but I was scared to ask her to do mine as I'm kind of afraid of the costs associated with it. Besides, I don't know if she would really get me much more than I would doing it myself.
My bro-in-law is an awesome accountant and he does it for my family for free. I can't remember a year where I didn't have him do them for me. I'm kinda spoiled that way.

But more importantly, I get to claim three kids this year. Cha-ching!
Nevermind, all the money you blow on birthing, feeding, clothing the creature... :(

Parental responsibility...amirite?
My accountant does mine.

Last year I had to pay 12,000 in taxes and 5,000 CPP.

This year it'll be about half that as I went from self employed to employee in July.

So, wait. If I have babies, then I get money?

What if I just adopt like seven 14 year olds? Can they make me money too?
Longo_2_guns said:
What if I just adopt like seven 14 year olds? Can they make me money too?

I tried that. Wasn't worth the headache to be honest. Though my garden is coming in really good this year so it wasn't all bad.
Filing is pretty easy for us. Same jobs all year, no work on the side, only have to claim the Permanent Fund Dividend. We're getting a pretty return this year, but it's all going into savings because we have a baby on the way!

/stealthy topic hijack
You're going to be an awesome dad, Used. Just sayin'. If it's a boy, name him after me. If it's a girl, name her after me.

Goddamn, everyone's growing up. I need to go find some rich girl and knock her up or something.
I actually really like the name Luke. Won't find out the sex until April-ish.
Congrats used. I'm using Turbotax, because I'm lazy. I'm actually getting $501 from the federal refund. Nothing back (like usual) from the state.
Do my own taxes with some comfort food to keep me from going insane.

Though I need to procrastinate some more, so I'll let you know how it goes in a few months hehe.
My girlfriend's dad is a CPA sooooo... yeah,
but i always get screwed on taxes anyways, at least he helps me with loopholes and exemptions.
I use free TurboTax e-file too. Last year we got nervous that we had missed something so we went to an accounting firm and had them file. Got the same exact return we would have through TurboTax, minus the hefty fee to the accountant. Won't make that mistake again.
More importantly aside from Used's baby fund. Anybody expecting a refund and if so whatcha doing with it.

We're getting a die cutter for my wife and a PS3 for me and the boys. Then we're putting the rest towards student loan debt.
Bretimus_v2 said:
More importantly aside from Used's baby fund. Anybody expecting a refund and if so whatcha doing with it.

We're getting a die cutter for my wife and a PS3 for me and the boys. Then we're putting the rest towards student loan debt.

You already have a PS3, geek. Get an Xbox. Join meeeeeee.

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