Legalization [Eyebrowsbv31]


Everyone Wears a Mask
*Conversation continued*

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Urb, read entire sentences before you saying something, I'll put it in bold:

Without the "rich richer" there would be no Job jobers. Sucks, but it's a fact.
Sick of that phrase, such a cliche.

I won't debate weed with you here, but I'd bet my retirement that most pot heads past the age of 20 work in grocery stores with/without a BA in something.

<-------25 (26 on Aug. 29th :roll: ), BA Poly Sci 3.2GPA, MPP in progress 3.75GPA, Working for a Renewable Energy company (salaried - not temp/hrly). After I get off work, I go coach youth football, I volunteer at festivals and sometimes for city events, and I also smoke.

But I don't call myself a pothead - because its a derogatory name people, too scared to think for themselves, place on a group of other people that choose to live their lives without daddy telling them whats in their best interest. When you assume that, because I smoke I'm a much lesser member of society, you're being willfully ignorant. There was a time when I thought, "man if weed was legal society would probably deteriorate (around freshman year of high school) , but I kept meeting more and MORE people (most of which were people I respected) who were FAR more productive and motivated than I was - and they also smoked. The only reason they're more hush hush about it is because they are worried about the negative reputation it would give them - and that's a little ridiculous, because that fear is driven by people like you with comments like those.

Too many successful entrepreneurs (not artists) to list, who have admitted to smoking - before, during, and after their success.

But, I guess I can see your point about weed making people lethargic.

...I lost count...

or that if you smoke weed you're probably lazy.

Go ahead, i DARE you to tell him that.

I always look to Michael Phelps, and the Governator as a great examples of how stereotypes associated with weed are BS. Providing a black market with funds and depriving a struggling economy of large source of potential revenue, because of a stereotype, is ridiculous.

I don't know GR - what do you think.

btw - I was high when I wrote this.
aghh, a POTHEAD! Reefer Madness told me you were evil as has well as d.a.r.e. Stay away evil man. you'll get me on weed which is a gateway drug and next you will have me be doing whippits! You're Evil! it's a fact. Ask reefer Madness.!
I want all drugs to be legal so everyone will just do the heavy ones and kill themselves so I can live peacefully in a world without douchebags.
Longo_2_guns said:
I want all drugs to be legal so everyone will just do the heavy ones and kill themselves so I can live peacefully in a world without douchebags.
Oh, this a disproving weed = loser thread?

We just sold the store i currently manage for a cool couple million and i'm personally using 150k of those funds to start importing various products from china and japan for wholesale with my brother.
In the meantime, i just bought a project car to have some fun with (Which i'm going to be tearing apart and rebuilding on my own), am learning Japanese, German and my native Dutch, am likely going to try and get my light pilot license soon so i can start flying while i try to get my reaction times and physical condition up enough to get into the RAAF pilot program, and am sitting my HSC exams at the end of the year.
I regularly smoke weed, and started 10 months ago.
It was around that time that i started becoming less aggressive and really buckled down to learn about business from my parents, and subsequently helping to run them now.
I suffer from stress and depression much less than i used to and have only now that i've calmed down have i started to actually learn things.
I can remember almost everything i've learned this year, but my school years are a blur of background bullshit and some occasional bits of concentration and learning.

I'm learning more now that i've dropped out of high school and starting smoking than i ever was actually in high school, and although i account this to not just weed i know for a fact that it's a big part of my new self.

Combined with what i said in the other thread, about how much the economy will be boosted by legalizing weed, and i am 100% for it. I think many people will benefit from the product itself, and those who choose not to smoke will benefit from those who do and the government gaining more money.
lokness said:
Hey madster gimmie some money brah.
But i don't have any money.
It's all tied up in buisness and a bank account i'm not touching until i'm 21 unless i absolutely have to.
My project car is actually my daily drive, but in the meantime i'm stealing my brothers ride while the engine's out.

All i can do for you is hook you up with some mad wheels, tyres and exhausts on the cheap if you want some. That will become much cheaper when we start importing that stuff on our own which is the entire point of the newest business i'm part starting up.
On a related note, i'm heading to China in a couple months and Japan shortly after that.

I credit all of it to my relaxing nature. Before i started smoking i was stressed out and angry all the time, unable to concentrate on what i wanted and not learning anything at all.
Weird how the typical 'stoner' stereotype is completely reversed for me.
I think Amsterdam has proven that a society can exist with legalized marijuana without it's population drastically being reduced through death by gateway related drugs (because let's be honest, marijuana can not kill you).

Maybe the US just isn't ready for that yet? I mean, they clearly aren't ready for legalized guns with all the murders in the US every year (in b4 shaddap micheal morre fanboy). Yes I know, that was a cheap shot but I'm just saying the same old thing; there are far worse things that re legal besides marijuana.

Longo and whoever else who has their panties in a knot; if you have a problem with people you know who smoke weed, it's not weed you have a problem with, it's the people. You see, everyone has a little thing called will power. Also, everyone has an addiction to SOMETHING. It doesn't have to be drugs, it can be fast food, or seeing how we're at GR it could be video games. If someone has weak will power they will let their enjoyment of something consume them.

I know plenty of alcoholics who I don't associate with anymore because they're assholes when they drink. Do I blame the liquor? No, because then I would be a hypocrite since I enjoy drinking. I blame the PERSON. Because that person doesn't have the will power to stop drinking.

So yes, legalize marijuana FFS. Make it legal for people 21 and over. If not in North America then at least in Canada. We already pride ourselves on tolerance to the point where Americans can't stand it and wish we'd all just freeze over like in The Day After Tomorrow (that was such a bullshit movie). So we might as well add weed to the list.

EDIT - And I work in landscapping construction. It pays average but I'm doing it because I LIKE it 8)
^Isn't Amsterdam suicide capitol of the world? Hasn't been important since, well, the 1800's?

The key word is most. That reading problem again. You've posted three people.

Most people do not become successful actors, that does not mean all people do not become successful actors.

I've know me a many of potheads, and I know a few successful ones, but the majority of them I know haven't done shit with there lives.

Personally, I have no problem with people smoking weed. Let them. Don't care. It's their lives, not mine. Legalize it. Fine. Don't really care. But it's still fucking stupid. Urb, you'd of made it just as far in life if you didn't waste time with weed. But you seem to have a minor Hur hur obsession with it. Whateva.
I can guarantee those who committed suicide didn't do it by smoking weed in a bong. Unless you're so stupid that you don't even understand that THIS is a joke then I don't see how marijuana is linked to suicide. Not saying you're stupid, just saying in general, people are uneducated, you know what I mean?

Also tobacco use is still the leading cause of death in the USA with obesity in second.

And like I said, your anger shouldn't be directed at the plant, but the people who are irresponsible. Just because douche-bags will drink a mickey of vodka and then get behind the wheel doesn't mean we should ban all liquor.
WickedLiquid said:
I can guarantee those who committed suicide didn't do it by smoking weed in a bong. Unless you're so stupid that you don't even understand that THIS is a joke then I don't see how marijuana is linked to suicide. Not saying you're stupid, just saying in general, people are uneducated, you know what I mean?

Also tobacco use is still the leading cause of death in the USA with obesity in second.

And like I said, your anger shouldn't be directed at the plant, but the people who are irresponsible. Just because douche-bags will drink a mickey of vodka and then get behind the wheel doesn't mean we should ban all liquor.

I'm aware of that. Suicide by weed doesn't make any sense. but when you have 2% of the population choosing death by assisted suicide, having a toke befo' had might make that shit dope, yo.

And you see the way the dutch beat the shit out of spain? The weed ain't workin'
I don't watch Soccer :? But I know for a fact weed is a performance enhancing drug when it comes to hacky sack LOL Seriously though, if people went out to play a professional sports game totally baked and score a goal they deserve a medal. If they were drunk then they deserve two!

I've also known people (acquaintances or friends of friends of friends) who have killed themselves on LSD/Mushrooms. Simply because they thought they could do shit like jump off a roof and fly or walk off a ledge because a magical bridge formed before their eyes. That shit only worked in Ocarina of Time to get to Gannon's castle people!!!!


Can you tell I'm having a slow day today?

MattAY said:
You ever been to Amsterdam dude? Place is f***** up.

Nah, Iraq is fucked up. Amsterdam is a tourist attraction for North Americans. I'm sure its got its low points, I've never been there sadly :( But I've heard positive reviews from people who have been there.

You been there Matt? If yes how was it? If no why do you think it's fucked?
I have! It's pretty fucking awesome. But it is fucked up! A man walked up to a group of us and went, "hey guys, you want to see pussy? This one girl, she smokes from her pussy! Eh?1 EH?!"
...Yeah. And the transit system has freaky people on it, but that's the same anywhere thinking about it. It just has a lot of freaks.

I'm not saying dont go there, dont do drugs etc. It's fucking awesome, it's like one big city party at night - you should definitely go!! But it is fucked up haha!

I also happen to know sex with a window chick is 50 euros.

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